Chapter 8: Improvemnet

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Chapter 8: Improvement

Tammy P.O.V.

"Nice one Tom!" I cried as I threw another ball and watched as he hit out into the woods. I ran after it, Tom following me. I tripped over a log and Tom tripped over me. Laughing, we got up and brushed ourselves off. "Sorry I tripped over you," he said, laughing.

"It's OK," I laughed, "c'mon, lets find that dumb ball!" Tom nodded.

Laughing, we searched around. "Found it!" cried Tom. Suddenly, there was the quiet SNAP! of a twig. "Shh," I whispered. There was another SNAP!, this time louder. I sniffed as I pulled my hair behind my ear. Tom held up his baseball bat (which he'd brought with him) as a weapon. I swiftly snatched up a large branch. "We know you're there!" I yelled, "I smell you! There's no use in hiding yourself!"

Suddenly, out of nowhere, running faster than anything I'd ever seen, was a man. He ran past us so fast I only got a glimpse of his yellow eyes. "Leave our territory!" I shouted, "you're a trespasser! Leave before the Alpha gets you! And me, too!" I heard the man's growling as he ran deeper into the forest and then out of sight.

"C'mon, we need to get out of here," said Tom, "what Shan said earlier is true. That wild Wolfblood could kill you- and me, too. After all, I'm human and you're tame." "Shhh," I whispered, "he could probably hear you. He can’t know that you and Shan know!" "Sorry," said Tom quickly. He glanced at his watch."C'mon, let's get going to Maddy's- it almost 6:30. We can tell her what happened when we get there." he promised. Nodding, I followed Tom to my house.

Once we to my place, we dropped off my mitt, bat, and ball. "Lets take the shortcut," I grinned, "race ya!" "Wait!" said Tom, "inhaler?" I pulled it out of my pocket. "Can we go now?" I asked impatiently. "I'm sorry, Tam, I just need to be careful," said Tom, "if something happened to you, I'd NEVER forgive myself for not checking."

"That's sweet of you," I said. "Well, are we gonna race or not?" asked Tom. "Oh, its on!" I cried. I started off with a burst of speed faster than I'd ever had before. I still had some of my wolf inside of me screaming to get out. Running was feeding my wolf's thirst for fun, adventure, excitement. I was really enjoying satisfying my wolf.

"Land ahoy!" I joked, pointing to Maddy's backyard just up ahead. Finally, we stopped in her backyard and we collapsed onto the ground, laughing. I pulled out my inhaler and took some breaths. "Good job remembering," said Tom. "If I forgot to use it, my mom would kill me 'cause she'd think I didn't listen to her hour long lecture on the importance of my inhaler!" I said. We both laughed.

"Hey you two, come inside and wash up! Its supper time!" yelled Nat, sticking her head out the back door. Nat noticed me on the ground and rushed to me. "Are you OK Tam!" she cried. "Yes, yes, I ran here with Tom, but I remembered the inhaler," I said, "we just sat down to rest." Tom grinned big. "Boy, we've got lots to tell you!" he cried.

"Well, then, come inside and tell us over dinner!" cried Nat, "well, that is, AFTER you wash up!" We laughed and headed off to the bathroom where we washed our hands and faces. "That was really fun Tam," said Tom, "MUCH better than football practice! But wait'll we tell the others what happened out there in your yard!" I grinned.

As soon as Tom sat down at the table, he began to yab away about the man in the woods. Mrs. Smith looked worried. "Tom, why are you so excited about this!" cried Shan, "that man could be dangerous! He is a danger to us all- Tammy, me, you, EVERYBODY!" "You're right Shan, I guess I just like a little excitement," Tom said.

"Do you think hes the man from this morning?" I asked, "the man we saw, his scent was similar to that of the man from this morning, and I caught a good enough glimpse of him to make me think he was the same man rummaging through the garbage." "Well, whoever he is, lets hope he's gone," said Mrs. Smith, "the last thing we need is a wild Wolfblood running around Tammy's backyard." she sighed.

After we had eaten, we gathered in the basement- Tom, Shannon, me, Maddy, Nat, and I- to watch movies. I flopped down on an armchair, Mads set in between Rhydian and Shannon and Tom sat on the floor and leaned against the couch and we watched a Harry Potter movie. We feasted on Mrs. Smith's biscuits. Shan was right. They were delicious! As soon as it was over I glanced at my watch.

"I need to go," I said, getting up and heading towards the basement door. "No way are we letting you walk home alone with a wild Wolfblood running around!" cried Nat, "I'm gonna see if mam will take you; it's far too risky." I waved goodbye and headed upstairs with Nat. Mrs. Smith asked to take me home and I accepted.

"Bye guys!" I called. "Bye!" they called back. Downstairs I could hear the opening credits for the fifth Harry Potter playing- my second favorite Harry Potter movie. Mrs. Smith grinned and handed me a tin. I curiously sniffed it. It smelled like Mrs. Smith's biscuits. "To take home with you," she explained. "Thanks!" I said, hugging her.

"Tammy, what's your relationship with your mum like?" asked Mrs. Smith. "My mum?" I asked, "well... she's never there for me! She works so much! She says its to support us but there's just me and her, and her job pays so well! Sometimes I think that if dad were still alive, mom would work less and pay me more attention!" I began to cry as Mrs. Smith held me close and comforted me.

"C'mon, lets get you home," said Mrs. Smith, wiping my tears. I climbed into the car and sighed. "I wish my mum were like you," I said, "my mom never acts like you act. I know she loves me, but sometimes it feels like she doesn't." "Well, pet," she said, "I think the problem is is that she stills misses your dad. Perhaps she regrets marrying him. Maybe when she looks at you, she sees him in you."

"Really?" I whispered. "Yes," said Mrs. Smith, "after the moon, I called her to let her know you were OK, and she began to say how much you reminded her of her husband. She said you had his stubbornness and fiery temper but his loyalty. She was crying, Tammy. I think it pains her to be reminded of him and how he died."

I began to cry. "I didn't think of it that way," I said, "and all this time I thought... I don't know what I thought, I just thought she didn't love me." Mrs. Smith pulled up to my house. "Why don't you tell your mum you love her?" "I will," I grinned, "thank you Mrs. Smith!" I flung my around her and then flew into the house flinging my around my mom. "I love you mom!" I cried. My mom looked surprised but returned my hug. "I love you, too, Tam," she whispered as she storied, "I love you, too." Her tears and my tears soaked our shirts as I hugged my mother and she hugged me back.

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