Chapter 10: The Truth is Exposed

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Chapter 10: The Truth is Exposed

Tammy P.O.V.                           

"Jana, what is it!" I cried, "Jana, answer me! Jana! Now!" Jana just stared at me. "The man who killed your father," I she finally said, "is the Alpha of the rebel pack." Now it was my turn to stare as the realization hit me. Suddenly, I dashed out of the room and into the nearest bathroom where I threw up. I then dizzily sat down on the floor and leaned my head against the wall.

Jana opened the door and sat down by me. "Are you OK?" she asked. I shook my head no. I was crying. "Axl is out there in the world," I cried, "he could be anywhere! What if he gets me?" I leaned against Jana as I cried. "What if he kills me, Jana! What if he still wants revenge?!" "I won't let him get you," promised Jana, "we'll all protect you. You'll be OK, I promise." "I'm still scared," I sniffled.

Ceri opened the door. "Tammy," she said. "What?" I sniffed, "do you hate me because of who I my father is? Because if you do, I wont bother you at all." "I don't hate you, child," said Ceri, "no matter WHO you are."

"How did I get that nickname?" I asked, "the Betrayer's daughter?" Jana sighed. "Growing up, my father's Beta, Axl, always told me about his brother, Isaaiah, who began disappearing off into the woods each week and returning hours later." she said, "one day, after doing this for several years, he disappeared completely. Axl learned from a lone wolf a few weeks later that Isaaiah had gone off and married a human, and Axl was outraged. A few years later, Axl was out hunting and smelled a familiar scent and followed it to a cemetery, and there he found your father with a woman and a baby girl. After the funeral, Axl confronted your father and they got in a fight. Isaaiah's wife and baby girl got away, but Isaaiah wasn't so lucky. Axl killed him."        

I was furious. How could someone kill their own brother?! "I wish my father were still alive," I sniffled, "then I could have someone like me at home, someone who could understand my problems. Not that Maddy and them aren't helpful but... well, it isn't the same." Jana smiled at me. "If it makes you feel any better," she said, "Axl despises me and humans. He'd never go near any of those things, so I believe you are quite safe here with me." "Really?" I asked.

Jana nodded. "Do I have to tell my mother about this?" I asked, "I'm afraid she'll flip out or something and make me move to another country. Again." "I think we might have to," said Jana, "she is your mother, and this DOES concern you and her late husband." I sighed. "Looks like I'm moving to Brazil," I sighed. Jana hugged me.

"We'll protect you!" said Jana, "as long as you're around me and lots of humans, Axl will steer clear. And of course, your mum will need to be around lots of people too." I nodded. Ceri looked at me thoughtfully. "Axl said you were going to grow up to be as terrible as your father," she said, "but from what I can tell, you aren't terrible."

"Uh, thanks?" I said uncertainly. "Well, see, Axl always talked crudely of his brother, and he had us assuming that his daughter as a bad person. Now I see you aren't," said Ceri. "Ceri," I said, "did you know my father?" "Yes," said Ceri. "What was he like?" I asked.

"Your father was stubborn but fair," said Ceri, "he was adventurous from a young age and enjoyed being wild. He was one of the best hunters in the pack and the best at using Eolas but had a quick temper. When he was about 17, he began to get very secretive, and remained that way for about 6 years. One day, he disappeared."

"5 years later, I learned he had betrayed the pack. Axl was crushed. He had been close to his brother. He quickly became angry at the sound of his own brother's name. He hated Isaiah. Everyone started to call him The Betrayer. When Isaiah was killed, we all learned he had a daughter and wife whom hadn't been killed. We didn't know the baby's name, so we began reffering to her as "The Betrayer's Daughter." Axl began to tell crude stories about his brother- stories I didn't dare contradict, as Axl was higher ranking then me."

"I see a lot of your father in you," said a voice. I looked up to see Natalie standing in the doorway to the bathroom. "Come on, lets go to the living room," she said. I followed Natalie into the living room with Jana and Ceri behind me. "What did you mean by that?" I asked. "Well, remember when Jimmy was picking on me? You slapped him good and hard. Boy, you had a temper!" said Natalie.

I smiled. "You were stubborn, too, when you wanted to know what was going on when Mads attacked you," Nat continued, "and remember your first full moon transformation? You were the most hyper and energetic of the bunch, always running around and playing." Ceri smiled. "Sounds like your dad to me," she said.

I glanced at the clock. School was in 20 minutes! Maddy dashed into the living room. "Hey Tam!" she said, "what's wrong?" Jana quietly explained everything. Mrs. Smith smiled at me. She'd heard everything. "Come get some breakfast, Tammy," she smiled, "it'll make you feel better." I nodded and sat myself down at the table.

Mrs. Smith served me some eggs and bacon, gave me a glass, and poured me some orange juice. "Thanks," I said. "You're welcome," said Mrs. Smith. Maddy, Natalie, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Smith, Ceri, and Jana all joined me at the table and we ate in silence. I knew everyone was nervous to talk to me. I suppose I couldn't blame them. I STILL couldn't believe all of this news, all these things I'd just learned about my father and his murderer.

Finally, Mrs. Smith said, "Well, Natalie, Maddy, Tammy, you three should be off to catch the bus," I just nodded and picked up my bag. Me, Natalie, and Maddy left in silence. We reached the bus stop where Rhydian was filling Tom and Shannon in on what had happened this morning. Well, MOST OF what happened.

While I stared off into space, Natalie filled the others in on what had happened. After that, I noticed Tom, Rhydian, and Shannon glancing at me occasionally with a pitiful look that I paid no attention to. I just wanted to think. "We're sorry about what happened this morning," said Shannon. "Its OK," I said, I had to find out some day." "If you need us, we'll be there for you," said Tom, gesturing to everybody. "Thanks you guys," I smiled. Suddenly, Tom, Shannon, Rhydian, Natalie, and Maddy were pulling me into a gigantic hug. I felt warn and secure in their arms. Finally they let go.

When the bus finally came, I climbed on and found a seat next to Natalie. "I'm nervous," I said. "Why?" asked Nat. "Because," I said, "I'm afraid something is gonna happen, but I don't know WHAT I'm afraid is going to happen, if you know what I mean." I said. "You're just afraid that Axl will find you," said Nat, "you shouldn't worry. He probably wont even know your scent." "Ceri recognized some of my father's scent that I had in mine though," I said. "No, she just said it smelled familiar," said Nat, "she didn't recognize it COMPLETELY."

"You're right," I said, hugging Nat, "I'm just paranoid." As I got off the bus, I began to fell this excitement I got when I was starting a new school day. I decided not to let this morning's events affect my day. I squeezed Nat's hand. "Ready to face the day?" she asked. "Ready as I'll ever be," I said. Together, we headed into the building.

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