Chapter 13: Deals with the Rebel

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Chapter 13: Deals with the Rebel

Jana P.O.V.

I briskly walked along the path headed towards Tammy's house. It was the day that Tammy would be returning to school and I wanted to see her badly. Suddenly, I smelt a familiar scent. A scent I hated.

I turned around. "What do you want Axl?" I asked. I turned around to find myself face to face with Axl. "I think you know what I want," growled Axl. "I'm not going with you," I said growled back. "You know that it isn't you I want!" yelled Axl, "you very well know that there's something else I want!" "Then tell me what it is," I said cooly.

"Don't play dumb with me child!" roared Axl, "you know as well as I do that I want the Betrayer's daughter!" "And I won't let you have her!" I spat out, "you know, I'm surprised you came out here when you're so close to humans. Anyway, I advise you get out of here before my friend, the Alpha, chases you away." Axl looked outraged.

Before I knew what was happening, Axl slapped me. The force of the slap pushed me to the ground. I sat up, spitting out blood. "Bring me the Betrayer's daughter and I'll let everyone in your pack go," said Axl, "and that includes your precious Wendy." "Wendy's dead," I growled. "Or is she?" asked Axl, "you have 4 days." With that, Axl ran away.

I sat there, dumbfounded. Then I heard shouts. "Jana?! Jana?!" I stood up, still in shock. Maddy found me, spitting out blood and sporting a bloody lip. Rhydian, Tom, Shannon,and Natalie were with her. "Jana!" she gasped, "what happened!" "Where's Tammy?!" I asked her, ignoring the question. "At home," said Nat. "We have to go there, now!" I cried, "I'll explain all of it later. Now c'mon!"

We dashed off to Tammy's house. I anxiously tapped on the window. "Jeez, Louise, Jana," said an annoyed Tammy, opening the window, "let me just get my bag." Tammy slung her bag over her shoulder and opened the window. Before Tammy could do anything else, I hugged her tighter than I had ever hugged anyone in my life.

"Jana, what's with you?" asked Tammy, "and you're bleeding, too! You've got a bloody lip! Jana, what happened!" "I'd like to know the same thing," said Rhydian. "I'll explain later, guys," I said, "But I'm not telling Tammy about Axl- just Maddy and Rhydian and Nat. Not for now." I added to myself. "Alright," said Tammy, "lets head off to school. My mom's making me walk for now, though. "Just to be safe," is what she said." Tammy sighed. "Highlight of my morning gone."

Nat smiled. "C'mon," she said, "we'll still have fun." Tammy nodded. Together, the girls went ahead of us. As soon as we got to school, Tammy and Nat headed off to class. I pulled the others into the dark room and locked the door. "Guys," I said, "we have a problem." "Axl?" asked Rhydian. I nodded. "I thought I smelled him!" growled Maddy. "What did he want?" asked Shannon. "Guess," I said.

"Tammy," everybody said together. I nodded nervously. "He-he told me that if I gave him Tammy, he would let my pack go," I said. Maddy's mouth dropped open. Rhydian stared at me. "That's why you were so worried about Tammy?" asked Tom. I nodded. "He said Wendy was still alive, that I'd get her back if I gave him Tammy."

"You can’t just sell out Tammy!" cried Rhydian. "I didn't say I was going to!" I cried. "Was Axl the one who slapped you?" asked Maddy. "Yeah, about that... I might've made him mad," I confessed. "So he slapped you," said Shannon. "So he slapped me," I said, nodding. "Well, do we tell Tammy?" asked Maddy. "No, we shouldn't," I said.

"Why not?" asked Maddy. "Because, we don't want to scare the crap out of her!" I said, "we'll just ask Nat to keep a close eye on Tammy and start asking her over a lot more. We need to keep her away from home as much as possible so she doesn't get eaten- after all, he sorta does live in the woods with just her mom." Maddy and Rhydian nodded. "So, its unanimous? We aren't telling Tammy, not yet. Just telling Natalie, right?" I asked. "Right," chorused the others.

The bell rang and we headed off to class, talking away about how we could keep Tammy safe. "How about I invite her over for a sleepover, since it's Friday?" asked Maddy, "Jana could come, too." "Yeah!" I cried, "and don't forget about Shannon!" "What can I do?" asked Rhydian and Tom "I'll think of something for you boys to do," said Maddy, sitting down at her seat. We all took our seats. Class started.


Tammy P.O.V.

"Hey Tammy, wanna come over for a sleepover?" asked Maddy. School was (finally) over for the weekend, and Maddy's offer was tempting. "Jana and Natalie and Shannon will be there. Tom and Rhydian already have plans, so they aren't coming. "Sure," I said, "I'll ask my mom and get my stuff if she says yes." "Great!" said Maddy, "we're watching movies and snacking on mam's biscuits!"

I pulled out my phone and dialed mom. "Mom?" I asked excitedly, "can I go to Maddy's for a sleepover?!" "Of course," said mom, "I think it will be fun for you. Come get your stuff after school. And no running!" "I know mom," I said, grinning, "thanks!" "'Bye sweetheart," said mom. "Bye," I said, smiling, "I'll see you soon!" I hung up.


"No way!" laughed Jana, "you ACTUALLY gave Jimmy a bloody nose?!" "Yes!" I laughed, "and Mr. Jefferies actually laughed when Jimmy told him!" Jana burst into laughter. She looked like she was going to cry. "Well, somebody had to teach that guy a lesson!" I laughed. "Best lesson delivery ever!" cried Jana. Even Shannon was smiling.

"Hey, Tammy, can you go upstairs and get a flashlight?" asked Jana. (btw, I'm American, so if you're British, then it's torch). "Sure!" I grinned. I headed upstairs and grabbed the flashlight/torch. As I was heasing back downstairs, I paused by the door to tie my shoes. Downstairs, I heard Jana, Maddy, Natalie and Shannon whispering.

"When are you gonna tell her what happened?" asked Shannon. "When I'm ready," said Jana, "now drop it. She can’t know that Axl's back, and she can't know what Axl said. You know very well that I really want my pack back, but I'm not gonna sell Tammy out either!" "I can't believe you Jana!" I cried, throwing open the basement door. "Tammy!" cried Jana, "it isn't what you think!" I was fuming by now.

"What it sounds like is you're keeping secrets from me!" I yelled, "my father's murderer is put in the woods and can easily find me and kill me and you don't even bother to tell me!" "Tammy, I didn't want to scare you or your mom!" "Jana, it's better for us to know and get scared then find out the hard way and THEN get scared!" I cried.

"I know, Tammy,"  said Jana, "I was just afraid you'd be as upset as you are now." "The only reason I'm upset is because you didn't tell me," I said, "if you'd told me in the first place, I probably wouldn't be as upset as I am now." "PROBABLY, Tammy," said Jana, "you said PROBABLY, which means you would've been upset either way."

"Why couldn't you have told me!" I cried, "I'm so mad!" I exploded. "Tammy, I-" Before Jana could finish speaking, I jumped on her in full wolf form, angry at her.  Jana shoved me off and circled at me in wild form. We growled. I was sending Jana the message that I was mad- and Jana was sending me the message that she was mad too.

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