Chapter 15: Loose Tears and Big Fears

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Chapter 15: Loose Tears and Big Fears 

Tammy P.O.V.

"WHAT!" I screeched, "you cant do this!" "We have to leave Stoneybridge!" shouted my mom, "it isn't safe here! Axl will stop at nothing to get his way and get what he wants, you know that!" "But I finally have friends! People who CARE!" I cried, "how could you just take it away from me!" "You can make friends in America!" said mom.

"It wont be the same!" I yelled, "in America, their aren't any Wolfbloods that I know about! I'll never make any friends again, and its YOUR fault!" "I don't expect you to understand, but-" "You're right- I DON'T understand!" I interrupted before dashing off to my room.

In my room, I slumped against the wall and sobbed. How could she do this? How?


"Maddy," I sniffled, "is that you?" "Yes," said Maddy on the other end of the phone. Noticing my upset tone, she asked, "What's wrong?" "Axl found mom," I said, "he threatened her and-" I gave a tremendous sob- "we're going back to America." "No!" gasped Maddy, "no way! he cannot do that!" "Yes she can," I sniffed.

"I wont let her!" declared Maddy, "lemme talk to mam and dad. They know people who can protect you." "You'd do that?" I asked. "Yes," said Maddy, "you're one of my best friends." My eyes feared up a bit. "I am?" I asked, "I've never had a best friend before."

"Really?" asked Maddy. "Yeah," I said, "its a long story. Anyway, do you really think you can help us?" "Absolutely!" said Maddy confidently. "Thanks Mads," I smiled. "Come to my house ASAP," said Maddy, "Shan's already here, just gotta call over Tom and Rhydian, and you of course..." "I cant come over," I interrupted.

"Why not?" demanded Maddy. "My mom is being majorly overprotective," I said, "after all, my murderous uncle has threatened to turn into a serial killer if he doesn't get what he wants."

"What do you mean he's threatened to turn into a serial killer?" asked Maddy. "He's threatened to kill all of us if he doesn't get his way," I said. "That is quite the uncle you got there," said Maddy. "Focus!" I cried, "what can we do?!" "We'll come over ASAP! said Mads.

"You do that," I said, "now, I just have one question- why?" "What do you mean, why?" asked Maddy. "WHY does he want me? WHY did he come all the way out here and risk exposing himself to humans? WHY wasn't killing my dad enough?" I asked, breaking into tears.

"Well, I can't answer the first question, or the last one, but I can answer the second one," said Maddy, "your uncle is DESPERATE. He wants you so badly for SOME reason that he doesn't care if hes exposed to humans that will see him and ask him questions."

"Yeah, I picked THAT much up," I sighed. "Lemme call the others," said Maddy, "we'll be over in 15 minutes." "See you soon," I said. "See you seen," echoed Maddy.


As I sat in my room, my sensitive ears picked up a knock on the front door. I ran downstairs. "Whose there?!" yelled my mom, panicking. "Mom, Axl isn't gonna show up at our front door," I said, "besides, it's only my friends. I can smell them." Mom looked relieved.

"You can't do this!" cried Natalie immediately. "Oh yes I can!" cried my mother in a challenging tone. "We wont let you!" jumped in Shannon. I was surprised. Shannon wasn't one to talk back to adults.

"You don't know what he said to me, young lady!" cried mom. Shannon flinched. I guess she wasn't uses to being yelled at. "I can't lose another person I love!" continued my mom

And then I realized what was REALLY going on here. Mom was scared. All this time, she'd been trying to act tough, stubborn, and even a little bossy so I wouldn't see it. The only reason she'd do this was to protect me. Because she didn't want me to see just how bad the situation was. And she did this because she loved me.

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