Chapter 9: I'm as excited as a stoner who's never seen snow

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my cat literally just walked over the keyboard. 

Normally I would say "Guess what? I don't have a cat" BUT NOT ANYMORE because Legolas is here on my lap so that would be lying. 

What am I even saying.... Lets forget that shall we? Ok, HEI GUYS long time no see I know! I have no excuse, but at least I'm back!? I've missed writing.

Oh yeah, by the way, just wanted to let you know that Dennis is named after my dog Dennis that died the week I started writing this. To the memory of Dennis. 


Chapter 9: I'm as excited as a stoner who's never seen snow.

"Okay Ky, whatcha want?" Dennis asked as we looked through all the flavors of ice cream.

"I'm gonna have cookie dough, and I bet ten dollars that you're one of those that loves chocolate ice cream, right?" I said, crossing my arms. I've never understood why people think chocolate ice cream is so good? I think its disgusting.

"You just lost ten dollars princess. I hate chocolate ice cream" He smirked, and I narrowed my eyes at him. 

"Are you joking? Because I actually really need those ten dollars"

"Keep your money Kylie" I sigh a happy sigh, "But I still hate chocolate ice cream" 

"Good, now I can at least be near you without feeling disgusted" I joked. He sent me a look. 

"You're hurting my feelings baby" He said in a pretend to be hurt voice. 

"Whatever" I laughed, before telling the man behind the desk what I wanted. 

"I'll have the strawberry sorbet one"  Dennis said, handing the man the money. Of course, as a cliche guy, he HAD to pay for me. When I grabbed my wallet, he took it from my hands and put it in his pocket so I had no chance in getting it back to pay. I'm not complaining though, more money for me. 

After we got our ice cream, we sat down at one of the booths in the corner of the ice cream shop.  

As we were sitting in silence eating our ice cream, I couldn't help but think about how weird it actually was. I went from being the girl with glasses who was being ignored by half of her friends, to now sitting with the hottest guy in town eating ice cream. And why? I do not know. Why would Dennis actually want to be with me. I understand the thing with us being set up as partners for the stupid ball. But any other guy would just have ignored me, showed up at the ball, and then never talked to me again. But Dennis actually made it seem like he cared. 

"Whats on you mind Girly?" He asked, making me snap out of my trance. I smiled at him, 


He laughed, "What an cliche answer" 

"Says the guy that payed for the food" I fired back. 

"Oh okay Kylie. If I remember right, you told me you bet me ten dollars, and then told me I wouldn't get them because you needed them. And how much did the ice cream cost? Eight dollars" 

I couldn't help but blush. He was right. Most of the time the things I say don't make sense. 

"Oh shut up" I mumbled, making him laugh. 

"Make me" He challenged, one of his eyebrow raising. 

"Oh my god Dennis" I said, and his face fell. 


"We're a breathing, walking cliche" And then we both bursted out laughing. 

After about an hour of eating and making small talk, Dennis drove me home. The day still wasn't over, and I would love to stay our with him for longer, but he told me he had something to do with Thomas at the other side of town. I understood him. Of course he had more to do with his life than be with me. And like whatever, I had to start with my presentation in English, so I wouldn't have time for him anyways. 

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