Chapter 12: Then we need to bring rope, pain killers, money and chips.

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 Chapter 12: Then we need to bring rope, pain killers, money and chips.

"I didn't know Dennis had guests" she sent me a warm smile, her eyes shining with happiness. 

"Oh, yeah, you were asleep when we got here! I hope you don't mind that I crashed here" What was I gonna say? This woman was one of my moms best friends so I couldn't tell her I was too drunk to go home, and if I didn't she would think wrong about this situation. 

"Oh no sweetie! Its all good!" she assured me off,


"Are you gonna leave before breakfast?" she asked me, hinting to my hand on the door handle. 

"Err... yeah, I don't want my mom to worry" Mom doesn't care because she thinks I'm at Mitch's place right now, my brain bugs me. 

"Well okay then, have a nice day" she smiles at me, "and come back whenever you want love"

"I will, thanks Miss. O'Brian" I politely said, giving her a genuine smile. 

"Oh, call me Mariah" she winked at me, making me smile brighter.

"Okay, bye Mariah"

"Goodbye sweetie"

I was about to close the door when she called my name again, making me look up at her.

"I hope he doesn't scare you away" She smiles, before she turns around and walks into the kitchen without letting me answer. I felt my cheeks heat up as I closed the door and started my journey home. 

It was now monday, and I had not talked to Dennis since yesterday morning, and I was still pissed at him. When he passed me in the halls earlier, he'd sent me one of those cute head nods and his handsome smirk, but I had just ignored him. 

We were in english class and I was sitting next to Nikita and Peter. I was drawing on my book, not really paying attention the the girl that was reading from the book. 

"Okay, thanks Sam" our teacher said, "Now, lets talk about camp" 

My head snapped up, "what?" I questioned quietly so only Nikita and Peter could hear it. 

"We're going to camp with the Seniors next week. We planned it before the summer so its not weird that you didn't know about it" Nikita whispered. 

"Everybody needs to listen, I will email this information to your parents, but it is important that you guys hear this too" The teacher said, and I looked up at her again. 

"The bus leaves here, from the schools parking lot, six thirty pm friday, everybody needs to meet up at school five thirty. I'm going to email your parents what you need to bring and things like that, and there will be a meeting about who will sleep where and be on group with who later in the gym, so meet there after lunch. Are we clear?" 

Everybody let out a "yeah" or "okay I guess"

"Okay, good, you can go now"

"Seriously why haven't you guys told me about this before" I hissed at my friends as we walked out of class. James put his hands up in defense. 

"I thought Mitch told you" We all looked over at Mitch. 

"I'm sorry okay? I totally forgot!"

"Its alright! Can you please just tell me what it is?" I asked,

"Okay. Basically the entire Junior and Senior class will be going to three different camps. Eh, there will be group activities, camp fires and trips for an entire week. We don't really know who's going to which camp, which group or which cabin to sleep in, that we will get to know later" James said, filling my head with information. 

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