What. Just. Happened.

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Percy's POV

       I ran down the hill to meet the new camper. "Hi! My name is Percy! What's yours?" I said. Instead of answering, he turned to Annabeth and said, "Hey girl. You wanna go out?" He said while rubbing his hand on her chest. I didn't say anything because I expected Annabeth to say something along the lines of, " Ew. Get off me dirtbag." But no, she said, "Sure thing. When will you grab me to take me to the beach?" I blew up at that. I screamed, "ANNABETH CHASE! IS OUR RELATIONSHIP A JOKE TO YOU?" She shook her head and said, "Percy, I..... I need to talk to you."
        I walked over to her, and before she could react, or talk to me about whatever she wanted me to know, I got down on one knee and said, " Annabeth Chase. You are the light of my life. You are the smartest, most beautiful person I've met so far in my life. Could you do me the hono-" I got cut off before I could fully propose when the new guy, apparently his name is Anthony, smashed his lips into Annabeth's. To my dismay, she kissed back. She turned around and said, "Oh by the way Perc, I'm breaking up with you. I've found a real man. Come on babe, let's take this to your cabin. Poseidon's cabin." She looked at me as she said the last part. I stared at her and said, "Annabeth... he's my.... brother? How dare you! Chiron!" I yelled. "Teleport me to Olympus." "Of course Percy. Anything." He said sadly, but at the same time clearly angry at Annabeth.
  ( A/N I know Chiron can't teleport people, but for the story, ANYTHING!)

Line break.

       "Well well, who do we have here? If it isn't Perseus Jackson." Zeus said. " What do you want child?" "Well Lord Zeus, I um, I wish to die." I said quietly. "Why son?" Poseidon asked. "Because that devil child of yours, Anthony, took my love away, and now I wish to die." I snapped back at my father. "I never liked him anyway." Father said. "Percy. On behalf of all the gods, it is fair to say, we cannot let you die. We need you to stay with us because we feel greatness in you. Because of this, I want to ask you, no I plead with you. Become a god, Perseus. Become the God of Protection and protect people from harm. Please, Perseus." Zeus said. "I accept. I will protect the Earth from harm, no matter the cost." I said, maybe not even willingly, but just because Hera's eyes looked like a disappointed mother's when her son does something he is not supposed to. Like eat too many blue cookies. (Whaaaaat? I totally didn't do that.....)

Anyway, I became the God of Protection and got blessings from every god. Even Chaos himself came to bless me! But you know, I'm just happy I got rid of Annabeth. "Oh and Percy?" Zeus said. "Yeah lord Zeus?" I said. "You are now also the Guardian of the Hunt. Kay byeeee!" And just like that, he vanished leaving me with my jaw hitting the floor.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed whatever that was. Kay thanks byeeeee!

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