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Percy POV

My two wonderful children. They came onto this Earth as the two most powerful goddesses ever to be born. The wedding is tomorrow and I have to pick up the tuxedos. I know, very last minute. I started thinking how beautiful Artemis will look in her wedding dress. "Percy! Let's go!" Apollo said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "I'm ready, let's go." I said.

Once we got to 'Weddings Galore' the girl there immediately started flirting with me. "Hey, you. What are you here for?" She said, trying to catch my attention. "Tuxedos under the name Perseus Jackson?" I said. "Oh. Ok let me get them for you." She said. She grabs them and hands them to me. "Say, why don't we go get a drink sometime?" She asked. Time to say the right thing. "Sorry, I don't have time. I have to set up my wedding." I smirked. "She won't know." She said. I started fuming. "You idiot! I would never leave my true love!" I said, slapped her and left. She put her hand up to her face and said, "I will have him back someday." Surprise, surprise, it was Annabeth.

The Next Day........

Artemis POV

I'm so nervous. Today's the day I marry the love of my life. I see Chaos and bow. "No need to bow, sweetie." He said. "You're my daughter-in-law now." I smiled. "Where is you're wife, Order?" I asked. "Right here honey." She said behind me. I jumped. "Lady Order, you scared me." She laughed. "Hey, how did you feel when you found out Chaos had another son?" I asked. "I was fine with it. We both have human affairs, just like the gods do. It's a weird relationship, but we're both okay with it." She explained.

Once it's time to go, I step by the curtain, which acted as a door. I peek through to see Percy looking dapper. I smile knowing that he is mine. The music starts, and my father takes my arm. "Time to go." He said. We walk down the aisle, and he hands me to Percy. "Treat her well, or I will blast me through time and space myself." He said while Percy chuckled. "Will do, Lord Zeus."
(A/N I've never been to an American wedding, but let's just get to the part where they say "I do")

"Perseus Theseus Jackson, do you take-" he cut off the priest. "Yes." He said. The priest, who was actually just Apollo, looked at me. "Yes." I said before he could even say anything. Apollo chuckled. "Percy you may-" He swung me into his arms and kissed me. "Get a room!" People in the audience yelled. "Okay." Percy said before wisking us away to Chaos's planet.

Yay!!! It happened! Pertemis is now official! Still short, but give me a break! The reception is next chapter. But is peace permanent? Find out next time on.......... 'A New Life'! Also, here's a picture of Artemis, just because.

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