Author's note/ Time To Face My Fears

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Author's note:
I will continue this story, but without an audience, it's no fun. Please spread the word. I am doing this for my boredom. I'm getting bored because I think to myself, I don't need to think of ideas anymore, so I'm not gonna do it. So I'm gonna do this. Here is Chapter 3. Let's go!

Percy POV:

Oh gods. Anywhere but here. ANYWHERE! I teleported to Camp Half-Blood. And the worst part..... right in front of that devil, Anthony kissing Annabitch. Oh gods! This is disgusting to look at. Oh my gods. You can see them sticking their tongues down each other's throat. I'm gonna go now. "Percy? Percy WAIT!" I turned around to see Annabeth. "What do you want, you whore?" I replied. "Percy, you are mine. Come back to me. I love you." She cried. "I thought, what with the ring in your back pocket that has 'Anthony's Girl' etched on it, you would love him." I spat at her. "H-how did you know?" She stammered. I rose into the air, glowing a golden colour. (A/N Yes, I spell colour with a u.) "I am the God of Protection. I know all, I see all. I protect all of you. You do not regard me as a mortal, or a friend unless you didn't betray me like most of you pathetic losers." Percy said angrily. "This is a trick of the mist!" Anthony said. "All of you know that Jackson is a pathetic wimp who told you he fought the Minotaur, but actually, I came to his rescue." All the other campers- except for Nico, Hazel, Jason, Piper, Leo, and Frank- nodded.  "He is right, and that is why I am getting married to him, not Perseus." Annabeth said, kissing him. "Says the girl who just begged me to come back to her." I said. Then, I teleported to the hunters' camp to face my punishment.

Line Break Dance Party!!

Annabeth POV:

Percy is a god? I must have him now. I thought to myself. I walked over to Anthony. "Look babe, I love you, but Percy is a god and imagine the stuff I could have if I had him. We can still date, but I need him to fall for me. Then I will take most of his power and become Queen Of The Gods, and I will marry you and make you my king. Then when I make you a god, we can kill Percy and take the rest of his power from him. Good plan?" I said evilly. "Good plan" he said.

Evil right? Line break!

Just kidding! That's all for today. Oh and, in this story, the camps have a connection that lets them go between each camp. Okay thanks guys! Kay byeeee!

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