She's Baaaack

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Since no one said anything, there will be a time skip! 5 years ahead into Percy's POV......

I'm so nervous. I have no idea how to do it. But today's the day. Today, I'm going to propose to Artemis. The love of my life. The "maiden" I've been dating for 5 years. I walked into the garden that I had asked her to meet me in. "Percy! You're here!" She cried. Even though she sees me everyday, I go on missions, so she only sees me in my dreams. "Artemis!" I said. "I need to ask you something." She looked at me curiously. "Yes Percy? And why did you meet me in the middle of Camp Half-Blood?" She asked. I got down on one knee. She looked at me with a mixture of happiness and shock and screamed, "NO! Percy, my love-" I cut her off. "Artemis, you are the love of my immortal life. Without you in it, we couldn't have killed Orion, and taken revenge on Annabeth." By then people started coming out of their cabins. "This is the second time I'm doing this, but the first time was the start of a year-long heartbreak. I wanted everyone to know you are mine. Artemis, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" After I finished, she couldn't even say it. She nodded. "Percy, of course. I-i will never love anyone else." Everyone started clapping. But one person did not. I turned around to find Drew standing with the Aphrodite cabin. She looked sad. "Percy. I have to tell you, I'm jealous. Jealous of that wannabe. You could have me! Marry me instead! Take that ring off her finger." She said, walking over to me and prying the ring off of Artemis's finger. "You-you IDIOT!" Artemis said. "My love, calm down. Drew. Give me the ring and I won't kill you. Maybe I will even let you come to the wedding if you give me the ring." I said calmly. I watched as Piper walked up to Drew. "Drew, what's gotten into you?" She said. Drew had calmed down after she fought Pipes for the cabin counselor title. "Oh Piper, there was never a Drew." Drew said evilly. She waved her hand over her face to reveal...... Annabeth Elizabeth Chase. The devil herself. "Hello Percy." She said calmly.

Hey guess what....... LINE BREAK!

Artemis POV
Annabeth gave me the ring and sighed. "Percy, how's my baby doing?" She asked. Her baby, I have named him Theseus, is now 5. "Back off. He's mine now." I said. "Tsk tsk Artemis. Mother Earth won't allow such a powerful being to live such as you son." She said. "Now that you have claimed him, I won't feel bad about killing him. Him, and the ENTIRE Olympian council. No matter how long it takes. I'm a primordial now. Just like you Percy." She said, dragging her finger along his chest."Oh Gods." I said.

Sorry again that that was short! How was it? Leave your rating 1-5! Kay byeeeeee!

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