Today's the Day

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Annabeth POV

I'm so nervous. My son will finally meet me after hearing all the terrible stuff his father and I did. He's going to hate me. But before I meet him, I must take my oath of maidenhood for Artemis. I'm swearing off love because of all the horrible things I did for the sake of the love I thought I had with Percy. Artemis called me to her tent to take the oath.

"Now, the oath is a little different than the old maidenhood oath. This one also swears you will stay away from Perseus. Not only for you, Annabeth, but one of my ex-hunters had flirted with him. Remember this oath. Repeat after me. I, Annabeth Chase, solemnly swear that I will never become attracted to another man. If so, I will report it to Artemis immediately. I will also stay away from my lady's husband, or any other married man, for they are in love already." Artemis looked at me happily as I repeated the whole thing. I started glowing, and a bow was in my hands. My arrows were beautiful. They were silver, with a little piece of the moon embedded into each of them. Each one had my initials, A.E.C, on them. They were just breathtaking. "My lady, they're beautiful. I will serve you with loyalty." I said. Percy gave me a big hug. "Welcome to your new home, Annabeth." Percy said.

Artemis POV

Annabeth had taken her oath. Now it's time for her to meet her son.

"Theseus, you must calm down. Once I open this door, you will meet your mother. She will be taking you in as shared custody, okay? You don't have to do shared custody, but it is something she has always wanted." I said. He nodded and said, "I'm ready." I went to the doors and pushed them open. Annabeth came running in, engulfing her son in a bear hug. "Oh, my son. How you have grown!" She said. She pulled away from the hug, both of them crying tears of joy. "I would love shared custody, mom." Theseus said. Annabeth looked as though she was going to burst of happiness. "Thank you, Theseus, thank you." Just then, Percy came running in. "Sorry to ruin this beautiful moment, but Zeus wants to see you, Artemis." Damn it Perseus! This was a beautiful moment. I wiped away my tears and flashed myself there. I wonder what he wants.

Once I was there, I ran to hug my father. "Yes, Father?" I asked. "Um. Artemis, it seems that this man has come for..... um...... for...." I looked at my father curiously. "What Father? What has he come for?" He did not look happy, but he also looked too nervous to tell me. "Artemis." He cleared his throat. "He has come for your hand in m-marriage."

That's it guys! Who is that mysterious man that wants to marry Artemis? I know, I'm the worst for doing that. Forgive me.

Just kidding! I'm not that mean!

Still Artemis POV.

MY HAND IN MARRIAGE? That idiot think I'll marry him? I'm Artemis, and I'm no longer a maiden. Everyone knows that! Percy was with me. I had to hold him back from the hooded man asking for my hand. "You! Who are you?! Reveal yourself, coward!" Percy said. I was still holding him back. The man said nothing and revealed himself. It was...........

Okay, now I'm mean. Sorry for not updating in like, three days. Our WiFi is down, so I don't even know when I can update and when I can't. But while I'm at it, go check out my friend kitkattimus for an amazing story called Fire. Check it out! Kay byeeeee!

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