Peace? (Pt.2)

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Percy POV

The reception is going swimmingly. (I'll go home now) The kids are enjoying the chocolate fountain. I just hope Leo and Jason did the job I asked them to do.
The door to the palace on Olympus breaks open. That door is unbreakable..... I thought. "Miss me?" She said.

Oh dang it. We were in peace. Now Annabeth had to come back and ruin it. I noticed that she was wearing the same clothes as the girl who was flirting with me at 'Weddings Galore'. Well this is even worse. Schist. "I didn't know you would stoop to the low of marrying a slut Percy." She said. "Oh honey, maybe I should tell Percy about Will Solace. Or maybe Grover-" Arty started saying. "Wh-what are you talking about Artemis?" Annabeth said nervously. "Percy. I recently learned that Annabeth cheated on you with other people other than Anthony." Arty said. "Who?" I asked angrily. Annabeth looked on the verge of tears, but this is what she deserved. Arty took a deep breath and made a long list. "Will Solace, Grover Underwood, The Stoll twins, Nico Di Angelo, Tyson, Leo Valdez, Jason Grace, and she even cheated on you with dead men. That list includes Charles Beckendorf and Luke Castellan. She brought people back to life, just to cheat on you with them." She said. I stared at the people she mentioned with disappointment in my eyes. "Oh and Percy, she disguised herself as their significant other in order to be with them." She said. "Percy, she's lying." Annabeth said. "No Annabeth, she's not lying. I wouldn't believe you unless it meant someone I loved would die." I said. Jason and Leo burst into the room, as they were late to our reception. Since this was their wedding too, their wives came in behind them. "Percy, we did it. Annabeth, you just got what you deserved." Leo said. "What did they do, my love?" Artemis asked. "They have killed Nyx and anyone that helped Annabeth with her evil plans." I said.

Annabeth POV

They-they have killed my mother. My adoptive mother, Nyx. She adopted me after everyone found out I cheated on Percy, but she was the only goddess that didn't throw me to the side. They probably killed Anthony and all the others who stayed by my side. I fell to the ground, sobbing my heart out. My power flooded out of me, and Artemis came to take it away to discard. I turned to her with a pale face. "Artemis. Without my power, without my soul, I ask of you one thing. Forgive me." I said pleadingly. "Never." She spat, kicking me away coldly. "You hurt Perseus, and for that I will never forgive you." She said. I smiled weakly. "Feels nice, huh? Taking revenge on someone you hate dearly?" I said to Percy. I still love him, but now that I look back at what I've done, I kinda wanna punch myself. I've been an idiot. "Yeah. It does. Now go to hell, it's where you belong." He said. "Goodbye....." I said. I faded into nothingness. As I faded I said, "I hate myself" to nobody whatsoever. (A/N Get it? Nobody? Okay I'll um, just go. *cries*)

Artemis POV

Is it crazy that I'm sad that she is gone? I love Percy, don't get me wrong, but I still loved fighting for him. It made me feel good. "Arty?" Percy said, interrupting my thoughts. "May and April are, um, just come see."

I went to see my daughters when I saw two 10 year olds. "Why are our kids all grown up?" I asked Percy. He looked at me lovingly. "Honey, don't you know gods age faster?" He chuckled. I hit my head. "Of course! How could I forget!" I said. "Mom, April, Theseus, and I want to go play outside!" May said. "Go ahead, sweetie." I said. "Have fun, and be careful!" I yelled after them. I walked away with Percy, but only to be stopped in our tracks by Chaos. "Hello. Percy needs to go somewhere." He said urgently. "Where, my lord?" I asked. "He needs to train for 5 years." He said. "Why?" I asked, on the verge of tears. I won't lose Percy. "He needs to learn how to create and use his powers. He hasn't fully controlled them yet." Chaos looked at me and mouthed, 'Sorry'. He left us to help pack. Just then, the kids came in and Theseus said, "Father, Mother, we heard everything. We have came to say goodbye." May and April had started crying. They needed their father. I went to find Chaos. "Lord Chaos, can we go with Perseus? The kids can't live 5 years without their father. Theseus is only 12, and the twins are only 10. Please." I pleaded. "Oh all right. But on one condition." I looked at him with joy in my eyes. "The kids have to train also. Theseus to become the heir of the throne of the universe after Perseus steps down. And the twins because they are the second most powerful goddesses in existence. When everyone is ready, I will fade." He said. I thought about it. "Of course. I will get everyone packed. Thank you Lo- I mean, Chaos." I said. I ran to find the kids and Percy and said, "Everyone pack up. We're going with you Perce." The kids screamed with joy and ran off to their separate rooms. Percy looked at me and kissed me. "I'm so glad you are coming with me! The kids can train and you can relax and have fun! I gotta go pack up!" He said. "No need." I said. I snapped my fingers and all our stuff was packed. "I love you so much." Percy said. "I love you too." I said.

After we said goodbye to all the gods and everyone at Camp-Half Blood, we left for the Chaos Planet. We unpacked, the kids took a nap, because teleporting is really tiring, and then we went to meet Chaos. "Good. You are all here. Let's begin."

The author has risen from the dead! Sorry! I don't have any excuses, so please don't kill me for being late. But thank you all for 322 reads! I love you guys! I want to get to a thousand reads before my 3rd quarter of school ends. Also, this chapter is 1,008 words! But if you'll excuse me, I have to do the outro. Kay byeeeeeee!

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