I Get Some Sweet Revenge

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Annabeth POV

"Fine, let's take some tests." Will said, giving into my pleading. "Thank you so much." I said.
A couple of tests later

"Annabeth, the results are in. You are, contrary to my past beliefs, pregnant." Will said. I stared at him in disbelief. After trying to tell myself he was joking, I asked, "With Percy's baby?" Whether or not it is his, I can use this to get him back. I thought. "No, Annabeth. You are having a baby boy with Anthony." He said. I ran out of the room to go find my lover. When I found him, I yelled, "ANTHONY ESCADERIO COME HERE NOW!" He came towards me. "Yes, beautiful? Wait, Annabeth are you getting fat?" He said disgustedly. I grunted at the last part. "No you idiot, I'm pregnant. With your baby." I said happily. "What?! I'm so excited!" He said. But then at the same time we said, "We can use this against Perseus!" We fell on our knees and started laughing. "I shouldn't do this if we have to use this against him. We have to make him think it's his. How many drachmas do you have on you Anthony? I'm going to pay Will Solace to say the baby is Percy's." I said. "Actually, I spent all my drachmas asking the Hephaestus kids to make you this." He said. He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. "Of course I will baby!" I said. After that emotional moment, We sat on the floor planning our genius plan.

Line Break Dance Party!!

Percy POV

"Percy!" Someone yelled. I turned around to see the devil's girlfriend herself, Annabeth Chase. "What do you want you-" I was cut off by Annabeth. "Percy. I'm pregnant. And it's yours." She said. I fell on the floor and started laughing. "What's so funny? I'm pregnant with your baby! Aren't you going to ask me to marry you so the baby can have both his parents?" She said. I'm not a seaweed brain anymore. I thought. "Do-do you think I'm an idiot?" I said still laughing, trying to get my words out without laughing even more. "PERSEUS ACHILLES JACKSON! I'm pregnant! Why would I lie about that? And I swear on the River Styx it is yours." She said. And might I add, the last part was very idiotic. "ANNABETH ELIZABETH CHASE. YOU HAVE DEFIED THE POWER OF THE RIVER STYX. FOR THAT YOU MUST DIE." I boomed. "B-but Percy. Your baby-" She was cut off. "Annabeth, I'm not stupid. I'm a god. That baby is Thalia's. She was raped by Orion and the baby was transferred from her to you, and your last partner of intercourse was Anthony Escadario. For that, it has become yours, and is unable to be transferred again. Now you must die, but I will raise the child as my own." I said angrily. I blasted all my power at her. She vaporized instantly. But at the same moment, that idiot Anthony stumbled in, clearly drunk, and he was also vaporized. Thank you Perseus. A voice I knew as the Styx said.

Sorry that was short! Again, I don't have enough time until Christmas because I'm visiting family. I don't celebrate Christmas, so maybe I can spend all day writing! Kay byeeee!

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