Order Has Been Restored

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Artemis POV

The man revealed himself. It was......... Order? "Lord Order? Why would you marry me? I am married already." I said. He chuckled. "I will have you as mine. You will be mine until the end of time. If I do not wed Artemis by sundown tomorrow, I swear on Chaos's soul I will kill myself. You will be my reward. I must have you." He said. Percy blasted him with so much power even Chaos himself couldn't have withstood it. Order fell and cried, "What was that for?" I looked at Percy as if saying, What was it for? Percy angrily said, "Women aren't prizes. They are people, or goddesses, who deserve as much respect as they give us. They aren't trophies. In fact, what have you accomplished that is greater than anything Lady Artemis has, creator of the universe's younger brother? You are just a newborn compared to Lord Chaos." I looked at Percy with pride. "I will not marry you, Order, for you are a sexist, stereotypical male." I said. I now know that that sounded so stupid. "You will learn that this is carved in stone. It is destiny. I will marry you, Lady Artemis." Order said, trying to get to my head. "GET OUT!" Father yelled. "AND DON'T RETURN!" I glared at some certain Olympians, *cough* Ares and Hermes *cough*, and asked, "Why didn't any of you help?" I was hurt. I really was. Father and Perseus stood up for me. No one else did. "Let's go, Arty. They're not worth it." I left with Perseus, only to hear the Olympians arguing in the background.

Sorry this is so short guys! I know some of my regular readers were getting annoyed because of the several private messages I was receiving about not updating in a while. I know some people really wanted to know who Artemis's suitor is. This is just a filler. A regular, long chapter should be up by MLK Day, hopefully. Kay byeeeee!

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