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Annabeth POV

Ha. I died. I got what I deserved. But then how come I'm here? I was an evil person. Terrible. Monstrous, even. But why am I in Elysium? I don't deserve this. Oh. This is great. Here comes Uncle Hades to take me to The Fields Of Punishment. "Take me to where I belong, Uncle." I said. "Whatever do you mean, Annabeth?" I looked at him curiously. "I'm going to the Fields Of Punishment, right?" I asked. He looked at me and started rolling on the floor laughing. "What's so funny? This is what I deserve!" I screamed. "Calm down, Annabeth. You'll be okay. You are being reborn." Hades said. Now I'm on the floor laughing. "That's actually hilarious." I said, still laughing. "Dang it Annabeth, come on!" He said.

He took me to the Isle of the Blest. The place where good people are. GOOD PEOPLE. I am not one of those "Good People." I killed people to get Percy. And in return, I get rebirth? "Annabeth, you will not have your memory erased. But you will go back to Earth on one condition. You must join the hunters of Artemis. And if you hurt anyone or even plot something evil, you will meet your death once again. You must be even nicer than you were before you turned evil. Are we clear?" I looked at him with disbelief. "But Uncle-" he cut me off. "Go now. Artemis will explain more once you get there." This man wants me to believe that he's going to let me live? He just made his life a living nightmare. Now everyone is going to ask to leave. I thought as he teleported me away.

Here I am. Artemis's camp. "Annabeth? That psychopath is back. Artemis!" I heard someone scream. It's...... Phoebe? I thought she left the camp because Artemis fell in love with Percy. Wait. That was me. I told her that Artemis fell in love with Percy. Then Artemis comes jogging towards me. "Annabeth, why do you look so confused? Come, I will explain everything. Percy is waiting." She said soothingly.

Once we got to the tent, I saw Percy. "Percy." He nodded. "Annabeth." I turned to Artemis. "Why is Phoebe here? I thought-" She cut me off. Why is everyone cutting me off today? "She actually used my love as an excuse to leave. She fell in love herself. So she said she didn't like that I fell in love and left camp, stripping her of her oath. Now I have a different rule. You don't have to take the oath if you don't want to. Phoebe came back, but didn't take the oath of maidenhood. You can be a maiden immortal huntress, or you can just be an immortal huntress, only to be killed in battle. Now Annabeth. I suspect Hades told you that you must join. Which oath shall you take? Now, remember, you can change your oath once and only once throughout you life as a huntress. I will let you decide." She said, and then left me with Percy. "I'm sorry Percy. I really am." I said. "Annabeth, I forgive you. Friends?" He asked, extending his hand. I shook it and said, "Friends. Now fill me in. How's Theseus?" I asked. We talked for hours about Theseus before Percy asked, "Would you like to meet him? The entire demigod world has forgiven you Annabeth. They understand that you had your moments. Now come, Theseus has been excited about this moment forever. He has already met Thalia, but you are the one to have given birth to him, so... yeah. You are his biological mother."

What will happen when Theseus meets his real mother? The world may never know. I'm kidding. The next update might be today or tomorrow. Kay byeeeeeee!

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