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Artemis POV

"Artemis!" Percy yelled. "She's gone. She's finally dead. So is Anthony. She killed my life, so I killed her." I stared at him with a mixture of shock and happiness. "What happened?" I asked. "Basically, she came to me after you guys left camp and told me that the baby was mine. Trying to get me back I suppose. I started laughing, and she got mad and said that the baby was mine. She swore it in the River Styx. And doing my job as a god, I killed her for breaking the promise of the Styx." He said. Then, without thinking, I flung my arms around him. "I'm so happy for you, seaweed brain!" I exclaimed. He looked at me and said, "Arty, I'm happy too." But it was so serious. Then he sat me down in my throne. And he sat in his-which is right next to mine. "Artemis. I need to tell you something." He said. I looked at him sadly. "What's wrong seaweed?" Even in a serious moment I tried to lighten the mood. "Artemis. I've felt this for a while, and I needed to get it out. But I really like you. I really do. And I would really love it if you gave me a chance. I know you have told me I'm not like other males, but-" I cut him off. "Percy. I like you too. Ever since that time you came to my camp. And when you kissed me, I didn't feel like pushing you away. I will give you a chance. You didn't even have to ask." I said. He stood up, picked me up, and kissed me. He kissed me like nothing mattered. I felt the other Olympians coming, but I didn't stop. "ARTEMIS WHAT IN HADES ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR GUARDIAN?" I heard my father ask. Percy and I broke apart. "Father. I've told you before that I've broken off my oath." I said. Percy looked at me with disbelief. "You broke off your oath? When?" He asked. "About 2 years ago. I just thought I needed a shot at love. All my hunters know. But I didn't find anyone yet so I kept acting as though I still kept the oath." I looked at him. "But then what happened? What about the wrath of the Styx?" He asked. I chuckled. "Oh seaweed brain. She was the one who told me to break off the oath. She didn't like it and thought everyone deserved love. Athena and Hestia didn't break it off, though." I ran over and hugged him. "Hey." He said, tilting my head to get a better look at me. "No matter what nickname you call me, I'm your seaweed brain." "Ugh." Athena said. "You got a problem, Mrs. My-Daughter-Is-A-Good-Person-You-Just-Didn't-Treat-Her-Right?" I said. (A/N Artemis has told Percy that Athena didn't ask him to marry her and it was just her.) "Perseus Jackson!" Someone said. Percy kissed my forehead and said, "That's Chaos. He told me he need to talk to me in front of all the Olympians, including my Father." I wonder what Chaos wants.

Line Break Time!

Percy POV

"Percy." Chaos said. "You are a strong warrior. So strong, that it is time to unlock your Chaotic powers." I just blinked. "Chaotic powers? But to have Chaotic powers I must be your son." I said questioningly. "Percy. I am your real father. Poseidon knows this. And before you ask, here's how. Your mother and I had an affair. She did not know I was Chaos, and she still does not. You were born of the affair. I paused the pregnancy, because I didn't want her to know you were of Chaotic power. After she and Poseidon had the affair, I restarted the pregnancy so it looked like it was his. Now, let your powers flow freely." He said. I paused before immediately starting to blast power from my heart. It formed a protective bubble around me so I wouldn't hurt anyone. Everyone got on their knees, including Chiron, who was also invited to this meeting. "Hail Perseus Achilles Jackson, Son of Chaos, Creator of the Universe."

AYY! That was great! Please tell me if you want longer chappies. I will gladly take up as long as I need to write longer chapters. Also, the next chapter will be a time skip, so if you want some juicy stuff that happens in the middle, tell me that too, and I won't do a time skip. PERTEMIS HAS BECOME REAL NOW!!! Kay byeeee!

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