Some duties during the long road trip... really wondering about state

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Suddenly, one little kid human being from this family of sales peeps, listening to the music from my carship, sings with great beauty.

- "Congrats"! Voice of an angel!

I tell the family's chief:

- Go with your daughter to church to learn more, if you want! Always accompany her.

So, more ten kids start doing numbers with variety of skils, soccer, painting, desing, humour, Ice Hockey.

- "Congrats"! All genius! All genius! Show up in the church, always with the presence of responsible "peeps". Development personal to jobs is one relevant policy in my reign. There is variety of geostrategics poles destined to development of the economy. About 300.000.000 peeps/month served. Useful to young and elderly.

- Thanks!

- I should say "For the possibility". So, I give autographs for the kids. Date is coming up, and great escape to a resort. I wonder about Mrs. Doclicious. I think there is spider's web on that delicious and so expensive wet strawberry. I drive my carship into the bridge... engine Honda V8^10 roaring... furious. I always looking at the rear view mirror, fitting my hair.

- Maannnn! The delicious female doctor will wake up in a new Bugatti tomorrow, into the resort! Hahaha!

At the same time, I build an alghorhythm about Mrs. Doclicious network with female nurses and female "Docs" to hit on and grab them. Hungry!

So, Dequan calls me.

- "Wtf"? What do you want, "bro"?

- Boss, I just sent the daily report. Please, look at your system on board.

- Damn! Good job! I just sent "monnas" to party with three "chicks", right? There is a reward, cool report. Did you read?

- "Yup"! How about Mr. Brindon Bawen?

- Maaaannnn! Daaaaammmm it! He told me to you, boss, you could look at some videos he created.

- Maaannn! Daaammmnnn! C'mon, if Mrs. Brinden Buwen bothers me with new videos. I already have said. He is talented, could be acting at TV, not only on Internet. He has many skills, but, for now, only can produce cool videos in his mansion with his golden girl. Meanwhile, he will stay under your system of espionage, right? Under the pressure of 'the butcher'.

So, I was wondering in my carship, when, suddenly, system on board accuses information out of standard deviation in prison near this local. I ask my golden belt, under the suit, If I will have available time to meet, hit on, grab, and destroy, loving, of course, Mrs. Doclicious and solve this case.

After checking coordinates, the system and the golden belt inform: "YES! YOU CAN MEET, HIT ON, GRAB, AND DESTROY MRS. DOCLICIOUS AND SOLVE THIS CASE". I call Mrs. Doclicious:

- Hi! Ready for tonight? Anxious, huh?

- Mmmmmm! I can't wait! I am at the bathtub, totally tamed for you. I will be waiting for you!

- How will you dress up? Red or black underpants?

- Unveil later, fool! You, fool.

- I want to destroy you, "hunnas"! Put one hand into p... now.

- I want it so bad! Mmmmmmmm!

- If you want to go with one female friend...

- "Collab"?

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