Mrs. Peace, Love, and Deep... seriously happy in the long road trip with ME

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I prefer one radio and video station "cos" is more modern and random, watching mix among "Chambers", by Lenny Kravitz, and "ME", by Gucci Mane. On video "ME", by Gucci Mane, I ask my readers: did you see the ratchets at video?. Spectacular chosen women, "bro". Thinking about this, I get angry on "da" real road with grip on the ground, heavy feet on gas pedal. Suddenly, I see three girls 18+ asking for a ride.

I say:

- Lol... They are asking for a ride. I bet those beautiful girls want to take a ride in my new Bugatti, limited edition, powerful.

I go ahead, passing for those girls, "cos" the speed is ultra, turning back with feet on brake, turning 180, to back to those girls. I got much angry "cos" Mrs. Doclicious must be in the bath yet, but relieved because I can give a ride to those beautiful girls 18+, I guess.

I enjoy joking about ages because I am eternal.

- Girls 18+, I guess...

I hope readers get it... I run into those human being girls. I run into those three beautiful and underdressed girls. My face turn into rager, with sad and psycho smile, moving myself fiercely. I say, with sunglasses on point:

- C'mon, c'mon, get into my car!

They smile and I say seriously, but afraid:

- Peace and love, with typical gestures by ravers.

So, as I enjoy manipulating minds due to high interpersonal intelligence, respect or shameless, I change the radio to techno. They adore. They listen to music by Carnage.

- Gross! We want something pop and eletro.

I play Calvin Harris, Martin Garrix, David G., Avicii. They yell and jump:

- Wow! We accept... get into your car if you leave us in a rave 30 miles far away.

- This is really a big deal. Leave you there and... and... I will stay there for two hours.

- Awwww! Cute, but we have boyfriends.

- I want you, only you.

- We are in.

- You make big decisions.

I sing "Bang! Bang!"

- "Bae", we're gonna go to Futureland, a big festival.

- I know... I already ran three parties there, commanding all of the setlists.

They yell:

- Really?

- I really really ran the most powerful setlists in Futureland.

- But... how in the world?

- How? Lol... Talent ever seen in the world about to run parties, "baes"... lol... I got out to the poor DJs and promoters called me back.

They always say candidly:

- Wow! We are so amazed and excited about you, "bae".

- I know!

One of the girls, the most mindful, mature, full of guilt, stupid, says:

- But this is eulogy.

- Lol... c'mon, this is the truth.

They smile candidly and laugh out loud. I, strongly, say:

- My misson, girls, is to make you to have fun, wet, love me, paying.

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