Private party with GALS in the kingdom and conversations about state

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So, I finally arrive at "da" pool again. I see Mrs. InLine 1, 2, and 3 in stand up position, moving fiercely their hips, twerking. Tutz tutz tutz!!! SUUUUUMMMMMEEEERR!!!

"GALS" stay dancing.

I say, eating "seafoodas"... speed up!

- Hahaha! Looks like a mix of the video "Don'T Stop The Party", by Pitbull, with Renaissance movement and "G.U.Y.", by Lady Gaga.

I ask for a portion of "lobsta" "cos" I was hungry. The 3 "GALS" share with me and put in my mouth, feeding me with their smooth and generous hands. I also twerk.

- "GALS", "GALS", "hunnas" (inspired by Wiz Khalifa), "in matters of style, swim with the current", inspired by Thomas Jefferson.

- Maaaaaannnnn! Afffff!

Already out of the circule of twerking, I sit next to the Mrs. SkirtUp.

- Dallleeeee!

- Affff!

The another three "GALS" dance and celebrate. Mrs. SkirtUp eats lobster, with a disgusting face.

- Why are you pissing me off? Why? Why?

- C'mon, fool! It is not my fault! I am educated.

- Are you kidding me? Are you telling me I am not educated, ma'am?

- What's the wrong, man?

I sing "Started From The Bottom", by Drake.

She tells me:

- What did you say?

- Pooooseeerrrr!!!

She snobs and stands impassive. So, with handful of lobster, I put it in her mouth, pushing. I say, laughing out, sadly:

- Do open this mouth!

- Nope!

I push strongly the slices of "lobstas".

- Grrroooosssss!!!

-You suck, girl!

- Mmmmmm! I know it! Hey, The Hamurabi's Code said 'do not beat in a woman... neither with a flower.

- I did not beat you, I only pushed lobster into your beautiful mouth. And... and... at that time, lobster was rare, I guess, so it has been told about flowers, not lobster, so much less offensive.

- You are a pig male chauvinist.

- "Nope"... "nope"... "nope"... You are not reasonable, pretty "GAL". Did you want a feminist guy?

- Nope! Only a 'normal guy who respects the rights!

- I have never been so respectful evaaaahhhh. I have never disrespected human rights, right? I am this guy, respectful, faithful, loyal, but you are a noob.

- Afffff!!!... "Get Out Of The Way, Bitch", by Ludacris. I gonna go to the bathroom!

- Period? Haha... or will you shave? Lol... I sing loudly "Hakuna Matata!"

She goes back and says:

- Man, you are the dumbest guy "evahhhh"... shut the f... up... but... but... I love you! Kiss me, please, before going to the bathroom.

I kiss hardly Mrs. SkirtUp. She almost faints in front of me "cos" the mixed emoctions and desires.

She returns with elegance from the bathroom.

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