The journalist could be a double agent! Who knows?

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While me and impaziale reporter ballad finally celebrated, drinking scotch, I always behind her, embedded with my dark cylinder permanently than a lot of strength, listening to Animals by DJ Martin Garrix, high, very high in rhythm alucinante kill him in wall of sound.

Play with vigor hips of impartial journalist, pulling her bikini very short, the smaller this time. Pull the elastic of his very brief bikinis with great force and loose, deep punir ela skin already very angry. Swearing and singing Baby Don't Hurt ME again.

-Yes, but with blood in his eyes, the peace plan, my love! I have a lot of people! For example, points out that the peaceful demonstration that I mentioned, to the law of indecent assault!

- Only beauties March, fillies, spectacular, floods and sexy, there were centuries old ladies too! During the protests, a railway guard, full of himself, ear goofing around with one of the centenary.

The guy came up: "Ma'am, what are you doing here? Lol ... ". Her many vibrant, glossy, but profoundly unprepared and arrogant guard, said he was not happy for him, was assured by law to go and come in peacetime, and participation in peaceful demonstrations.

-Wow! Immigrants are already part of civic life, politics, your Kingdom so recently? Congratulations! Congratulations! But it is a high-risk policy is not, my love?

-Yes, love! Here follows the migration policy comadamento of immigrant visa acceptance of what immigrants, treating them with dignity and human and humanoid, gradual but strong and effective integration into political life of my Kingdom!

- Wow! That source of inspiration for me, love! But it's too tight, snug, isn't it? And social and political tensions, and the ordinary laws, and other sources? It all boils down to a principle?

-The tension is inevitable and everyday, more than 5,700 years when we implemented the current migration policy with more strength after a long, long and very heated discussions on this subject with the 9 "GALS" and legislative houses! All laws, doctrines, law, customs, and general principles of law are already digitized, which provided breath ... people, almost as it is literally only the laws considering every bit of information written, verbal, gestural, be collected on the same social entre, analysed, synthesized naturally, no ar as the Act of breathing.

All started with this principle, there are more than 5,000 years, and endless information becomes law, dotrina, held under the auspices of the basic principle driving! Before this scan, any related documentation, under this principle, occupied the equivalent of almost all human and humanoid libraries. Only with the theme of immigration policy, over very extensive documentation on human rights wing, and a focus on the orphan, the widow, without assistance.

Fate is that the Kingdom is dynamic, productive, although social tensions and hatred – a bit predictable and naural – there is delicious journalist says:

- I walk away, give a kiss in her neck, captured another scotch, and increase volume of wall of sound.

-Delight, did you know that war, which no longer occur Monday? Do you know what it means? We will have another week!

-Ecstatic delight, and jumps into my arms ... But that war did not take place more Mondays? As you know, almost non andare via da me or to ship! It was just a shower, eat, brush your teeth, cambiar ela shirt, sunga surfer tactel.

My love, intelligence, espionage, Counterespionage in all commands, us four corners of the Kingdom and all layers up! Everything had been said while erro in pool, I antecipate that the three countries enemies, with only three percent of our military power, will be able to attacara us in only two weeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2017 ⏰

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