Chapter 6- Fight?

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Saturday, January 28th 8:30am

Swisher Street

"It seems a shame for you to waste your whole weekend working out," Mary Kastigo commented when Korbin came down dressed for his morning workout.

"I've got to keep pushing myself so I don't get worn down in my next match," Korbin answered. When he glanced over he noticed his mom's frown and tried to lighten the mood by saying, "The girls even wore me out yesterday."

He was relieved when she grinned and replied, "You are good with your sisters. Why can't you get along with more kids your own age?"

"Don't start, mom. Most of the kids my age are stupid," said Korbin.

"What about Moe? You get along with him," asked Mary.

"He's okay, but even he can be annoying, especially since he went girl crazy last fall. A girl can't walk by without him flirting or asking her out. He doesn't mean anything by it and it is mostly empty words."

"That's what most flirting is, Korbin. Does that mean that Moe has a girlfriend now?"

"Nah. He never gets serious. You wouldn't believe some of the rumors going around about him though," Korbin sneered as he finished gathering his things.

His mom shook her head and changed the subject. "Don't be too long. Your father wants to surprise you with the dojo," reminded his mom as he hurried out the door.

Korbin nodded as he escaped out the door before his mom could hold up his workout more. As the door slammed behind him he rolled his eyes and shook his head.

While Korbin was stretching for his run to the school, he heard some sounds from the new gym. The thumps were not the sound of construction. It sounded more like the grunts and pounding on flesh that happened during a fight. Curiosity had Korbin crossing the street and looking in as he went by. He was hoping the owners weren't having a fight that would split them up before he could even use the place. When he looked in, he saw Jenks, Colton, and Sean standing off to one side just watching near the pole. When Korbin followed their gaze, he spotted a small pretty girl with long brown hair tied back in a thick braid. His heart picked up when he saw she was facing off against Bandit.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Korbin shouted as he headed toward Bandit. At his words the girl looked over and met his gaze. In that brief glance Korbin noticed that her eyes were large and brown with green and gold flecks. For a second, while their eyes locked, he forgot everything. Then she blinked and refocused on Bandit. She was just a second too late though.

Bandit had taken advantage of her distraction to close in and grab her. With a quick move, he bunched his muscles and spun quickly before letting her fly at maximum velocity . For a second, Korbin was afraid that she would hit the pole, but she twisted past it and grabbed hold as she went by. She spun around it the way gymnasts fly around the high bar and headed straight back toward Bandit, feet first. By then, Korbin's momentum had brought him to the fight zone. Bandit took advantage and grabbed Korbin to quickly reversed their positions. In the blink of an eye, Korbin was the one with two feet coming straight at his face, while Bandit continued moving out of range. The only problem was that Korbin had no idea how to avoid a collision.

Damn Bandit, Jamie thought affectionately. She had missed him like crazy, but she hadn't been able to practice against anyone close to his level for months, and the first thing he did was pull this move.

Jamie wondered who teenager was, and why he was interrupting her practice. The guy should know better than to get in the middle of two people sparring full force. Jamie reluctantly decided she shouldn't kick him in the face, even if he was an idiot. She twisted in the air, and resigned herself to a hard landing. It would be no more than she deserved for losing her focus.

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