Chapter 60- Just One More Question

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Friday, February 3rd 6:15PM

Swisher Street Dojo

When the door opened behind him, Korbin looked over his shoulder cautiously.  The tension and quick move to a defensive stance told Jamie that Korbin wasn't oblivious to how three of her uncles were glaring at him.  Bandit just kept his evil smile on his face as he watched Korbin, and walked right up to him.  At first, Jamie thought that she had totally misread Bandit, but all he did was ask Korbin to join them for their poker marathon.  Korbin hesitated before cautiously replying, "Maybe, but I have to check with my family."

Bandit nodded as he walked away he said, "Just let us know.  We just play for pennies, but it could go all night long.  We'll start as soon as we close the dojo."

Korbin walked into the office, and Jamie looked out into the dojo.  She took in the glaring eyes of her other three uncles before she insisted,  "Bandit, make sure you fill in the others."

When Bandit nodded, Jamie shut the door.  She watched him walking over to Jenks looking disappointed, but knew he would follow through.  Without another thought, Jamie snapped the blinds.  Bandit could be trusted to do as he promised, even though she was sure he would immediately plot how to gang up on Korbin if he played poker with them.  She shoved that worry away and turned to Korbin as she said seriously, "I need to talk to you."

Korbin replied determinedly, "I have something to say too, but you can go first."

Fear waged with hope that Bandit might be right about Korbin liking her.  Jamie took her feelings firmly in hand.  After all, she had to tell Korbin that another secret was out, and they somehow had to tell his parents too.  Considering how mad he was last time she had shared and changed a plan without talking to him, she might just have ruined any chance she had with him.  A wave of despair clenched her heart in a painful grip.  Better to tell him fast, she decided.  She took a deep breath and her words blurred together in her desire to get it all out, "My uncles know that I got suspended for kissing you and what happened with Aaron."

Korbin blinked as he processed her rapid words.  Jamie was glad that he looked more curious and resigned than mad as he asked, "How did they find out?"

When Korbin didn't yell at her, or freeze her out, Jamie gave a cautious smile and explained, "I forgot to delete the kiss outside the classroom, but what made them suspicious were these," and she brought out the pamphlets from behind her back.

Korbin stared at the pamphlets for a moment before starting to chuckle.  Jamie frowned, and couldn't help remembering being told that they had a twisted sense of humor.  When he glanced at her face, his chuckle turned into a full blown belly laugh.  For several minutes, he  was roaring with laughter.  She still didn't get what he found so funny until he gasped out, "You thought of everything high tech, and forgot the pamphlets?  No wonder they were glaring at me."

It was ironic, Jamie admitted to herself even as she turned red and nodded.  She even found herself smiling as she admitted, "I was so thrown that I let it slip that we were setting up Aaron.  They think that the kiss that I gave you outside the class was all the kissing we did though."   

That got Korbin's attention, and he gradually stopped laughing.  He was still smiling though, when he asked, "How much trouble will you be in for setting Aaron up?"

Jamie shrugged and replied, "Not much.  Bandit didn't mind that nearly as much as the possibility that I was going to have sex from seeing the pamphlets."

Korbin went into another round of laughter. 

Even though she had recently enjoyed Bandit's discomfort herself, she couldn't  help wondering if he was laughing at the thought of her being interested in sex.  Eventually, Jamie grew tired of his laughter and snapped, "Go ahead and laugh, but when they get back they will make sure your parents know too.  If we want them to trust us, we'll have to find a way to tell them soon too."

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