Chapter 58- Practice Can Be Hell

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Friday, February 3rd 4:00PM

Lincoln High School Tennis Courts

Jamie avoided Susie at practice, but still had to run extra. The only difference was that Sondra had to join her. Jamie kept pace with her and encouraged her, but Sondra wasn't in the same shape that Jamie was. Jamie frowned in concern and wished she just had a little time to get Sondra prepared for this type of workout. Jamie was sure that she could have Sondra ready to handle anything Susie dished out if she just had a week or so.

Coach Marshall noticed how Sondra was suffering, and called both Sondra and Jamie over. Sondra hadn't given up, but she wasn't in used to running that much either. Sondra's steps were uneven, she had a stitch in her side, she couldn't catch her breath, and she had already thrown up in the handy garbage can stationed at corners of the fence.

Jamie brought some water over for Sondra to clear her mouth. After that, Jamie made Sondra walk with her hands on top of her head and slow her breathing before helping her over to Danica, Hillary, and the others.

Susie approached with a mean smile. Jamie knew that Sondra wasn't ready for any more punishment. The coach was on the other side of the court, so Jamie called out, "Hey coach, could you explain that to me again?"

When the coach turned and headed her way, Susie hesitated. However, when Nancy intercepted the coach Susie smiled and started toward Sondra again.

Jamie realized she might be on her own a little longer. She decided to go ahead with her plan, but the coach had better arrive soon. After all, She didn't want to chance earning another suspension so soon. Jamie forced her tone to stay light as she called out, "Hey Susie, how about a rematch?"

Susie stopped smiling, and her face turned white as she looked away from Sondra to focused on Jamie. After a small hesitation, Susie straightened her shoulders and answered, "I can't play again yet. The doctor said to take it easy for a while." 

Susie's voice sounded calm, but firm and Jamie was impressed.  However, Jamie couldn't help noticing how Suzie couldn't seem to stop herself from touching her broken nose lightly.   Hiding a small smile, Jamie bounced the ball for a moment to give the coach a bit more time before she asked just as casually, "Are you sure? I have really been working on my shots. I have several more to show you."

Susie swallowed hard and edged back as she said, "I'm sure."

By then, the coach was plowing across the courts quickly by totally ignoring Nancy. Jamie tried to smile innocently as she paused to time the the next question just right.  Then she asked, "How soon do you think that you can play again anyway?"

Susie touched on her nose again before she answered hesitantly, "I'm not sure how long it will be before I can play again." When Jamie just smirked instead of replying, Susie defensively added, "I have to follow the doctor's orders."

The coach was right behind Susie when Jamie asked, "What were the doctor's orders? Do you even have a note?"

Susie glared and answered, "Of course I have a note. It is in my bag."

Coach Marshall asked, "Where is it? I know that you told me you had light duty, but I should have a copy of the note in my file."

At first, Suzie froze.  Then, she swallowed hard and reluctantly went to get the note from her bag. It took several minutes longer to bring the note than needed, and by then all had gathered around to watch.  After she handed it over to Coach Marshall, she waited with her head down. Jamie's smile widened as she watched Susie shift her feet nervously and her skin paled like she was sick. Something had seemed wrong about her playing so soon after being injured. Jamie had broken enough bones to know what the note probably said.

Every doctor Jamie had ever come across worried about liability, and the note would not say that Susie could take an active part in practice. Jamie understood Susie's desire to keep playing, and she would probably have been fine. If Susie hadn't gone after Sondra and abused her power, Jamie wouldn't have said anything. Taking a personal risk to fulfill responsibilities was one thing that she actually respected about Susie.

Coach Marshall frowned as she took the time to decipher the doctor's writing and read the note closely. She turned to Susie and her voice was outraged as she said, "According to this you shouldn't be practicing.  Do you know what would have happened if you had been hurt during a practice? It could have meant my job! I counted on you to follow rules according to school policy. I can't let you risk yourself anymore. You have been ignoring the doctor's order every time you ran laps or hit the ball. We might have gotten away with you advising the youngest players, but since you couldn't stop yourself from going against directions I can't trust you here anymore. You are banned from practices until you can hand me a note from a doctor saying you are fit for practice."

Susie glared, but didn't dare argue. As she stalked off she told Coach Marshall, "I'll be back at Monday with another note."

Jamie shook her head at Susie's back. She had felt the same in the past, and knew that finding a doctor to sign off on another note would be almost impossible. Liability was a huge concern for doctors, after all.

At the end of practice, Coach Marshal gathered the girls, and laid the situation out. "We have a very large team and no assistant coach. It is impossible for me to get around to every player as much as I want, so one of the duties of the captain was to help get the less experienced players ready. Now we will be short a captain during a critical time. This means that I expect the older girls to take extra time explaining things to the less experienced members of the team whenever possible. I'm hoping that you trying to explain different shots will make you think about what you are doing even more, and help your abilities improve at the same time. I'll be grouping you so the less experienced players practice with some more experienced players."

What do you think? Jamie actually relates to Susie? Can you believe it? Let me know what you think, okay? I appreciate comments, vote, and hey if you want to follow that would be great too. Thanks for reading, and more will be coming soon.

Will be wrapping up this book soon. When I do I will be going on to Moe and Sondra's story. Not sure about the title I will use, and I might take a short break. If you are interested in reading their story and seeing more of these characters you may want to follow so that you know when I start posting that story. No pressure though. Again, thanks for reading.

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