Chapter 33- Mega Back Spin

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Monday, January 30th 6:30am

Swisher Street Public Tennis Courts

Korbin was sweating and panting as he raced around the court. He shot a worried glance over at Jamie, but she still seemed to be doing fine. Korbin hoped she was really feeling as good as she acted and reminded himself that even though they been out there for a good hour he had asked her to make him run while he had been placing the ball pretty close to her.

They didn't have much more time before they would have to go. When he mentioned that they should head back soon Jamie gave him a mutinous look and hit the ball harder.

"You need to have your back taken care of still," Korbin reminded her as he scrambled for the ball.

Jamie nodded but continued to return his shots.

"Aren't you going to stop?" asked Korbin after a couple more hits.

"Aren't you?" Jamie retorted with a teasing smile.

"How about we stop when someone misses," Korbin negotiated.

"Fine," Jamie agreed with a challenging smile.

Korbin couldn't make himself give in, so he decided to try shots that would be harder for her to hit.

Jamie grinned at the challenge. She responded with an overhand smash shot.

With Korbin's return she barely got to the ball. Her shot was weak, but Korbin was not able to do his usual snake shot and did a lob instead. Jamie led up to it like she would do an overhand smash, but instead of a power shot she put a huge amount of backspin on it. She placed the ball just over the net as she dropped down to the ground. It bounced back over the top of her without Korbin touching it.

Korbin skidded to a stop at the net and blurted out, "What the hell was that?"

"Mega back spin," grinned Jamie as she stood back up. "Did you like it?"

Korbin couldn't help but smile back as the annoyance faded. "Yeah. Can you show it to me again?"

"Not now. We should have left five minutes ago," Jamie reminded him.

"Fine, but the tennis team could really use you," Korbin said as they headed back home at a run.

When they got back, Korbin glanced over and saw a car outside Jamie's place. She noticed his look and offered, "Colton said he would come by early to check my back."

Korbin nodded and hurried inside to clean up. If he moved fast enough he hoped to have a chance to see her back before she changed for school.

Korbin's hair was still dripping, and he was still buttoning the shirt of his school uniform as he knocked. He heard Jamie invite him in, and immediately saw her at the counter again. Colton was blurry eyed and gulping coffee, but he had the first aid kit out and was shoving a plate of french toast in front of Jamie.

The smell made his own stomach growl, but he reminded himself that he would eat in just a few more minutes. When he turned from the food, he noticed Jamie was in another halter top with most of her hair under a towel. Korbin prepared himself for the worst as he moved forward to see her back. It wasn't nearly as bad as it had been just the day before. There were small sores and lots of pink healing areas, but there weren't the raw large scrapes like yesterday.

"It is much better today," Colton announced. "Anyone else I would say could manage without a bandage, but since it is you, we'll slather on the ointment and bandage one more day. Okay?"

"Sounds good," agreed Jamie. "You never know what might happen."

Korbin wondered what she expected from school.

When Jamie only gave a small gasp as Colton slathered the ointment on, Korbin took that as a good sign. Colton quickly fastened another large bandage on before gulping more coffee.

Since Jamie's back was taken care of Korbin just said, "Do you want to walk to school with me and my sisters? If we leave in about thirty minutes we'll have time to drop them at their school, leave a few extra signs for the dojo there, and still be on time for school."

Jamie checked the clock before nodding and saying, "I'll meet you outside." As Korbin headed out, Jamie shoved in the last of her french toast and ran up the stairs. As she disappeared from view, Korbin hurried home. He still had to eat his own breakfast and get his sisters moving. Something told him that Jamie would be ready and waiting in thirty minutes.

Twenty minutes later, Korbin rushed his sisters out the door, and continued to ignore what they were saying. They hadn't liked being rushed, and had a long list of what not to do around Jamie. Korbin looked across the street and rolled his eyes. Jamie was already waiting for him. Then he looked closer, scowled, and stalked across the street.

Korbin ignored when Keesha hissed, "You should smile and look happy to see her you idiot," but when Jamie's smile faded as he approached he wondered if Keesha might be right. He kept his voice soft when he insisted, "You shouldn't have that on your back yet," but didn't wait for an argument as he quickly took her backpack and slung it over his shoulder.

Jamie rolled her eyes, but smiled and followed as he led the way.

Yep, he is still clueless, but Jamie likes him anyway. What do you think about his sisters? If you like this chapter please vote, follow, or comment. A word from you makes my day.

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