Chapter 55- The Parental Talk

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Thursday, February 2nd 5:10PM

Swisher Street, Kastigo home

As soon as the door closed behind Korbin, his parents called him in to the living room. Here we go, Korbin thought to himself. He reminded himself to play it cool and not give anything away. "What is going on?" he asked his parents as he entered the room.

His mom looked like she had been crying, and his dad looked emotional too.  Korbin began to worry.  His parents had talked to him many times in the past.  In fact, every time that he got in trouble at school there was some sort of lecture.  Usually, it was followed by grounding of some sort, but they had never looked like this before.  He began to wonder if it had to do with school at all. "What's wrong, did someone die?" he asked.

"No, we just had a call from school," his mom finally replied.

So it was about him kissing Jamie, Korbin decided, and felt himself getting angry.  Every time he had gotten into a fight they had remained calm and in control.  The first time they get a call about him making out, they break down?  It was especially confusing because his parents had seemed to like Jamie.  Thinking of Jamie made him remember her advice.  He struggled to keep his face blank, but even he could hear that his voice was flat as he asked, "What did they call about?"

His mom sniffed as she answered, "It  was just an automated call saying that we would be contacted, and your name.  You know they do that ever since that one family threw that big fit when the school called the wrong number about their child having lice."

Korbin nodded as he remembered.  It had turned out that the family had typed in their own number wrong, but ever since, there had been a generic message.  Parent either called back to the school, or someone from the school made follow up calls with details when it was a big deal. 

At Korbin's nod, his mom continued, "At first we didn't know why we had gotten an automated call without a follow up, but then your father remembered that I had asked them to let us know how you were doing after the tennis season started.  We figured that your teacher had gotten busy and forgotten, so we called them back. "

When his mom broke off and started sniffling, Korbin shifted uncomfortably as his irritation turned to guilt.  He still didn't know why his mom was so upset, but it wasn't like her to cry.  He had just started to cross the room to comfort her when his dad continued, "We managed to reach several of your teachers about your behavior.  Each one said how they had seen a lot of improvement in the last week or so.  They were impressed with how you have been helping a new student, that you have been able to work with a partner, and even handle someone sitting next to you in your classes."

His mom wiped away her tears as she practically sang out, "Your schoolwork has IMPROVED since tennis started."

"It isn't a big deal," mumbled Korbin, unsure how to deal with the unexpected praise.  "I have been sticking close to Jamie, and showing her around.  We do our schoolwork together, and double check our answers, so the schoolwork has been easy."

"Last year, especially during the tennis season, you were forgetting to do assignments," reminded his mom. 

"When you did turn them in you were getting a lot wrong," added his dad.  "We almost hired a tutor."

"We were really afraid of what would happen when tennis season came this year," his mom admitted.

"We had already decided that we were going to make you give up tennis if the same thing happened again," his dad confessed.  

"You shouldn't worry so much," protested Korbin as he backed up a step.  "I understood the work last year.  I was just real focused on tennis and forgot to do some things," he explained.  "With Jamie helping me work out, I can focus on more things this year.  Besides, if she can deal with all of her responsibilities, I should be able to take care of my schoolwork and a few chores," Korbin added. 

Korbin's parents looked at each other, and his father said, "Well, we just wanted to let you know that we are proud of how you have been doing lately.  Just keep up the good work." 

Korbin nodded to his parents as he headed up to his room feeling relieved, but extremely guilty.  He had never been one to go to his parents with every little detail, but hiding what had happened today seemed to be on a whole new level.  It wasn't that he was afraid of what his parents would do about him getting into another fight.  He could handle any grounding they could come up with.  The real issue was that this time there were others involved.  Even though he thought his parents would understand, he just didn't feel it was right to rat out friends that had broken rules protecting you. 

With a sigh, he decided that the least he could do was catch up on today's schoolwork.  As he got started, he thought about what his parents had told him.  He hadn't realized that he was so close to having had to give up tennis.  He knew that Jamie was the reason that he was making the changes that his parents were so proud of.  He owed her, and he didn't want to risk losing her now. 

Korbin's parents were silent as they watched Korbin leave the room.  Then his mom turned to his dad and asked, "Are you thinking what I am thinking?"

Lt. Kastigo smiled and suggested, "Keesha and Ketara have the right idea about Jamie?"

Mary Kastigo's eyes danced as she leaned against her husband and admitted, "Korbin is so hardheaded that I didn't know if he would ever find someone he didn't overwhelm."

Lt. Kastigo chuckled as he answered confidently, "Jamie doesn't get  overwhelmed easily." 

His wife gave him a light kiss admitting, "I'm as bad as our girls.  I want to play matchmaker."

Her husband laughed and said, "Give Korbin some credit. He has done okay so far.  Think of how they acted at breakfast."

At his wife's playful pout, he offered, "If it looks like he is messing up, then we can get involved."

Don't you love Korbin's parents?  Did anything not ring true to you with this scene?  Let me know what you think.  If you liked this chapter please let me know.  You can write a comment, or you could just tap on that little star to vote if you prefer.  Thanks for reading.

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