Chapter 42- Demonstration

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Tuesday, January 31st 3:30PM

Lincoln High School Tennis Courts

When Susie came out she just glared at Jamie.  Despite her animosity most of the team seemed friendly...even amused.  Susie looked around suspiciously.  She seemed to realize she had missed something, but no one told her what. 

Coach Marshall soon said it was time to get started, and Susie smiled and started them on laps.  Everyone took off and left Susie looking after them.  Jamie caught Susie's eye and gave a small smirk.  Even thought Jamie didn't say a word, Susie flushed in embarrassment.  She knew the doctor's orders, but her desire to join her team was stronger, and she began to run.  Her nose throbbed painfully with every step, and it just made her feel meaner.

Jamie stayed on the opposite side of the court from Susie, but could still hear the taunting comments she gave to the slower runners. Taunts were one way to motivate, but Jamie had always thought that method did more harm than good, especially when the people were already trying their hardest. Jamie frowned as she approached Sondra, and noticed that Sondra was faltering.  Sondra had sprinted earlier in an effort to keep way ahead of Susie, and now her body was rebelling.  Now, she couldn't keep it up even with her best efforts.  Jamie glanced back, and saw Susie coming up fast.  Without a second thought, Jamie pulled off to the side to adjust a lace of her shoe just long enough for Sondra and Susie to almost catch up.  As their footsteps drew closer, Jamie shot Susie a challenging look and taunted, "Catch me if you can," as she sped away from them.

Susie took the bait, and raced past Sondra without a word.  Even though she had finished her laps, she kept running just ahead of Susie until the rest had finished.  Only then did she come to a stop with the others.  by then, Susie was gasping for a breath, and Jamie knew she shouldn't say anything, but she couldn't resist, "Are we done already?"

Susie glared at Jamie, pointed, and managed to gasp out an order to run.  At least Jamie assumed it was a direction to run.  It was hard to understand the panted out groan.  Jamie interpreted the pointed finger to be an indication of laps.  Jamie began running with a small shrug.  All in all, she decided to just be glad it wasn't the middle finger pointing at her.

After awhile, Jamie noticed that Coach Marshall shaking her head and talking to Susie.  Susie began to argue, but the coach cut her off.  After the coach talked to her, Susie called Jamie over.  She ground her teeth, but told Jamie to join the others serving.  Understanding her frustration, Jamie simply nodded quietly and joined the others. 

When Nancy gave Susie a pointed look, Susie looked at the coach's back before giving a helpless shrug.   To everyone's disappointment, Susie kept them on drills and exercises for the rest of practice.  Jamie rolled her eyes when Susie gave a little smirk and called out, "That is it for today." Susie and Nancy were the only ones to head to the locker room.  They almost reached the door before realizing they were alone.  For some reason, the confused expressions when they looked back struck Jamie as hilarious, and she was still smiling as she looked over at her new friends.

Today, Danica was the one who offered to play Jamie, and she wasn't waiting for everybody to clear out first. It was a good thing, because the rest of the girls' team weren't going anywhere except to watch along the fence.  As she took to the court, Jamie glanced back at Susie and Nancy long enough to see their expressions turn from confusion to outrage.  There was nothing they could do though, after all, practice was done.  

After watching Susie and Nancy stomp off into the locker room, Jamie smiled at Danica and offered her first serve.  Danica's tennis style very like her cousin, Moe's.  She had a lot of power, and a decent drop shot.  She wasn't quite as strong as Moe, but her accuracy was even better.  Danica reacted quickly and could return Jamie's kick serve.  At first Jamie was surprised, but then she realized that Danica probably practiced with Hillary. 

Jamie was just enjoying the game, but after awhile some of Coach Marshall's comments began to register.  The coach was using their match as a chance to instruct some of the new players on different shots.  It wasn't long before the coach or players were calling out requests for certain shots.  Jamie and Danica tried to comply as they kept playing, but the game wasn't quite as interesting if you knew the shots.  Eventually, they completely stopped playing to just demonstrate until the coach called for them to stop so she could lock up. 

As they got ready to leave, Jamie casually asked Danica about her family and how many people were in it. 

Danica gave a short laugh and shared, "Too many for comfort sometimes.  My dad works in a factory and my mom watches us kids.  She keeps us organized, and is pretty strict about the rules.  The four of us are hard to keep occupied, but she has great ideas to keep us too busy to make trouble.  That would be easier for her to do if we could afford a family membership at the gym, but money is tight."

Jamie asked, "How old are your brothers or sisters?"

Danica smiled and said, "I'm the oldest except for Moe.  You met Henry, the freshman.  Sammy is the baby.  She is in 7th grade."

Jamie smiled and just said, "It must be nice to have a large family."

"I love them, but they can be a pain," Danica replied with a quick roll of her eyes.

Jamie thought about her uncles and grinned in understanding before running over to where Korbin was still waiting for her.

Any ideas why Jamie was asking about Danica's family?  Maybe I was too obvious.  If you can take a moment, please let me know what you think.  I love to heard your ideas and feedback.  If that takes too long please consider tapping on the little star.  Thank you for reading.

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