Chapter 10

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“Do you want to go to the movies tonight?” Danielle says. She looks at me as we walk downstairs to the cafeteria to eat lunch.

            “I have to train for the boxing state championship Saturday.” I give her a half smile. I feel bad that I can’t go to the movies or do anything with Danielle a lot lately. The boxing state championship is coming up and that’s the biggest thing I could win. Mike is making me train late at night. After we train I feel so worn out. “I’m sorry.” I apologize staring in her eyes.

            “It’s okay. Saturday is two days away so I know Mike is going to make you train hard.” She smiles. I slide my hands into my back pockets and stand in the lunch line. “What are you getting?” I ask. I grab a tray and look at her. She looks at the various choices then back at me as she gets her tray. “I’ll get the pizza and hot wings probably.” She pauses for a moment then groans.

            “What?” I stare at her confused. “All the junk food I eat goes to my breasts.” She says loud enough so only I can hear. I chuckle and start plating my tray. She hits my arm hard and I look at her with my eyes widen. “What?! That hurt!”

            She rolls her eyes and starts plating her tray. I shake my head. “I know what you were laughing at, you ass.” I lean to her ear. “I like your big breasts. It’s more for me to grab and suck…and… lick on them…” I whisper. I pull back to see her biting her lip hard. I smirk and type in my student ID so my lunch can be paid for. I start walking away and I look back at Danielle as she gives me a sexy look. I know she wants to do it right now, but we’re in school. I feel my tray flip downwards. I immediately jump back so the food doesn’t get on my clothes. I look to see a pissed off prep girl. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!” She yells at me. My eyes widen. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” I stare at her shirt that’s covered in pizza sauce. I frown. She stares at me angrily.

            She smacks my cheek hard and my eyes start to tear up. She hit it so hard. I start to get pissed off. “Why did you smack me?! I didn’t mean to do that!”

            “Watch where the fuck your going, you stupid bitch.”

            She just called me a bitch. People here are so rude. I take a deep breath as I see Danielle staring at me. She shakes her head no. She doesn’t want me to fight with anyone. I grit my teeth and clench my fists. “I’m sorry. I will buy you the same shirt.” I finally manage to say in a polite way. She crosses her arms with her eyebrow raised. I let out a sigh. “Come with me.” I grab her arm and walk with her out of the cafeteria. I walk down the hallway and enter the girls’ locker room. I walk over to my duffle bag and search it for a change of shirt she can wear. She’s about my size, but a little smaller so it’ll look good on her. I find a shirt and stand up. I hand it to her.

            She grabs the shirt. “Makaila, is my name.” She unfolds the shirt. “I’m Addison, but call me Addie.” I smile a little. She walks away into a bathroom stall and changes her shirt. I sit down on the bench and wait for her to come out. She comes out of the stall and looks in the mirror. “It looks good.” She says. “Glad you think so.” I say as I stand up. “Meet me after school at the doors and I’ll take you wherever it is that you got that shirt. I have to be at boxing by 4:30 though.”

            “Okay.” She walks out of the locker room. God, she was so rude at first, now she’s acting so innocent. I walk out of the locker room and I go into the cafeteria sitting down beside of Danielle.

            “She’s wearing your shirt?” Danielle asks as she stares at Makaila. “Yeah.” I reply. “Huh.” Danielle looks away and eats her food. I stare at her weirdly. “Jealous?”

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