Chapter 15

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“Bye baby.” Danielle presses her soft lips on mine. I smile as she kisses me. I stare in her eyes. “Bye beautiful.”

            Her hand slowly falls out of mine as she enters the gymnastics room. The doctor is letting her do gymnastics again, but the doctor wants her to be careful. She has a competition coming up, and her family, my family, and I are scared for her, but we’ll still cheer her on. I smile at her before she turns around. “Bye…” She says again as if she wants to stay around me. I wave at her. The door shuts. It’s hard to let her go on her own. It’s been a week since her memory has been recovered, but it still worries me that she’ll hit it again.

            I walk off to the boxing room thinking to myself how stupid I was to get angry. I was the reason she was hurt worse than I. I told myself I would never get angry and let it out on something again. I would never fight with someone. I won’t like being beaten to the floor without fighting back, but for Danielle I don’t want to have any factor to anger issues. That is why I think I’m going to quit boxing, because it still involves fighting with someone. It’s with gloves, but people still get hurt by it. I know I have.

            I enter the boxing room to see a new female. I stare at her back. I can tell she’s new. I ignore it and set my duffle bag down on a bench as I wrap my hands. I glance up from my hands as the girl turns around. My eyes widen.


            She doesn’t go to the same school as I do. How could she be here? She looks my way and a smile appears across her face. I smile back.

            “Addie!” She walks over to me. “Hey. I was looking for you.”

            I stare at her in confusion. “You were looking for me?”

            “Yeah. Starting tomorrow I go to your high school. I had to switch to this place to do my boxing.” She smiles big.

            My mouth drops. She’ll be going to the same school as me? This isn’t good. Danielle might get jealous. She stares at me waiting for a reply. So finally I reply.

            “Wow, that’s-that’s cool.” I say un-sure of what to say exactly.

            “Will you show me around?”

            I clear my throat. “Sure. Why did you move to this school?”

            She sits down besides of me and kind of frowns. “My mom already works in this city. She wanted to be closer to her work.” She shrugs her shoulders and looks at me. “It’s not a big change. I still live near my friends, so that’s nice.” She gives me a smile.

            “You’re lucky. I moved to here from Oregon. All of my old friends are there.” I sigh.

            “Aww, that’s sad.” She rubs my back. My body cringes and I feel a shiver down my spine. Why does she have to touch me? She moves her hand and I finish wrapping my hands. “Anyways, I’m going to get back to training. Catch ya later.”

            I nod my head as she gets up and walks away. I get up too grabbing my grappling gloves and walk over to Mike. I nudge on his arm. “Hey there.” I smile at him. He smiles back and gives me knuckles. “What’s happening Tiger?”

            “Oh nothin’, ready to train me?”

            “Of course.”

            I walk over to the punching bags with Mike. He begins training me for the day. I listen to everything he says, but my eyes can’t help but to wander to Jenna. She’s at the punching bags that are near me. I snap back to reality when Mike starts yelling to do different types of punches. I begin to feel worn out already. He always works me hard. If he’s not working me hard, he works me harder than usual.

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