Chapter 19

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"Yes, so Randy did you hear about the incident at Texas Road House restaurant?" The female news reporter looks to the male reporter next to her that is named Randy.

            "I believe I did. I must say that is dis-respectful for them to do. The manager, Troy, interrupted the family of these two girls as they were celebrating for Ryan and Meredith Smith's daughter Morgan, and Josh and Lisa Kegly's daughter Danielle. They were in a gymnastics competition and did amazing."

            I look at my family as they all watch. I look over at the open door to see Danielle and her parents walking in.

            "Did we miss anything?" Mr. Kegly asks.

            "No Josh. They just started." My dad replies.

            Danielle sits down beside of me and holds onto me as we listen to the news reporters.

            "I must say, I have never heard of this kind of thing happening here in California, have you?" Randy asks the female reporter.

            "I haven't at all. Ryan and Meredith Smith's daughter Morgan, who's in gymnastics has a sister named Addison, she goes by Addie. Addison is dating the daughter of the Kegly's, Danielle. These two girls are teenagers and a manager interrupts their time with their family."

            I give Danielle a couple of looks as she stares at the TV.

            "A couple had told the manager that Addison and Danielle were making the couple un-comfortable when they gave quick pecks on the lips. However; the couple was making-out and they have the guts to tell these two girls that they're making them un-comfortable." The female reporter continues.

Randy begins to chuckle a little. "What I like most about this is that Addison went over to the couple and told them that they were making her un-comfortable making-out. What a brave girl."

The female reporter smiles. "I agree 100%. Actually, this girl Addison has been talked about a lot on fox 10 news. It's because of her athletics. She's the state champion for boxing. She plays basketball, powered puff football, and softball. I would love to meet her in person. I've seen her games or boxing matches on TV from where they air it."

            My family and Danielle's looks at me smiling. I smile back. "I know, I know I'm a beast." I laugh and so does everyone else.

            "Anyways, Claire I think the restaurant should call this family and apologize." Randy says.

            "After seeing this on the television they will." Claire smiles. "Best of luck to you Addison and Danielle." She winks at the camera.

            They start to talk about a different story. "Good job Meredith." Mrs. Kegly says.

            "Not a problem. I was so upset that they did that to our daughters."

            Mrs. Kegly nods her head.

            "Who wants lunch?" My dad stands up stretching. Everyone in the room agrees to having lunch except for Danielle and I. "We'll come up later." I say and give my dad a smile. He smiles back and everyone piles out of the room.

            I look at Danielle staring in her eyes. "I love you Danielle."

            She adjusts herself on the couch and stares in my eyes. "I love you too Addison." She leans in kissing my lips and I kiss her back gently. I hold her hand. "I can't believe we've been dating for almost a year." She smiles big.

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