part two

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the three of them lead by minister shacklebolt entered his office. the minister stopped before his desk then picked up a file—which actually wasn't overly large and it worried hermione. did that mean they didn't have much on who are behind this?

minister shacklebolt seemed to notice that. "unfortunately we don't have much going for the rogue death eaters. in that file we have a list of possible suspects and some information about them and the victims. i was hoping, between the three of you, you can come up with a list of all possible rogue death eaters that somehow escaped imprisonment or the kiss and cut it down to the most likely suspects."

he sighed deeply. "i know it may seem like much as you're all young but i have complete faith that you can do it. please do not make me regret my decision," he said, looking pointedly at draco at the final sentence. draco just smiled sarcastically and waved.

hermione nodded and held the file to her chest. "we'll try our best, minister. however, harry—"

"hermione," harry warned, glaring at her. "don't."

"you promised," hermione snapped. "i formally request for harry to be taken off this case. he has agreed to it."

minister shacklebolt seemed surprised. "is that so?" he turned to harry. "may i ask why?"

it was hermione who answered. "it's not fair for him. with ginny being a victim—now lavender too—it's unhealthy. he'll push away his grief and at any given moment during the case he could explode. it's the smart choice, minister."

she heard draco hum from behind her. "and i guess me and granger are capable. we're both also very acquainted with dark wizards. one lived in my house. wait, my bad. two lived in my house."

hermione winced. she knew he was referring to his father and she knew it has been years but it still bewildered her. it still hurt her that he had to go through so much.

minister shacklebolt seemed to make the connection too and his gaze lowered. "then i formally accept your request, miss granger. mr potter you are officially off this case until further notice. miss granger and mr malfoy can handle this, i'm sure."

harry seemed angry at first but he deflated soon enough. he nodded then ran a hand through his hair. "you're right. i just don't want to be as useless as i feel."

hermione rested a hand on his arm. "go home, harry. be with ron. grieve. no one judges you."

"besides the whole wizarding world," draco cut in with a small smirk.

hermione sighed but pushed harry to the door. "leave. i'll be fine."

harry nodded. he turned to minister shacklebolt with a apologetic smile. "i'm sorry, minister."

minister shacklebolt waved it off. "it's fine. now," he turned to hermione and draco, "you may start now. if i could suggest mr malfoy's very own office, please. it's more private and we need to keep this as low-key as possible. you're dismissed."

the three of them left the office. harry took off in the direction of the floos while hermione stood in the middle of the corridor with malfoy behind her. she slowly spun around to face him, the file still clutched to her chest. he raised an eyebrow at her.

hermione cleared her throat. she wanted to be alone with him so they could talk and now that she has the chance she doesn't know what to say. "why don't you just show us to your private office so we can crack on, okay?"

malfoy smirked at her. "why not? follow me."

he spun around and made his way into a section of the ministry hermione didn't know existed. dark corridors void of life, doors to rooms she didn't want to enter and seemingly no heating. she shivered just a little. soon enough they reached another door and draco pushed it open. she breezed past him and took in the office as the door closed behind her.

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