part fifteen

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after finishing up a few things for the case, it was around one am and she was rather fucking tired, but hermione knew she had to talk to kingsley before she left for home.

so, after asking around a bit, she finally made it to his office and knocked gently on the door. when she heard 'come in' she pushed it open and smiled kindly at her friend.

"ah, hermione," he said gleefully, standing up from his desk. "i believe congratulations are in order."

"i'll accept the thanks with draco when he's well," hermione stated, smiling nervously. "in fact, he's why i'm here."

kingsley suddenly seemed to understand and he sat back down on his chair, motioning to the ones opposite him. "please, take a seat."

hermione did as he asked and slowly sunk down onto the plush chair. "as the case is over and everything—i was thinking, considering we wouldn't have been able to do this without draco, that he should be—"

"relieved of his hitman duties," kingsley finished, nodding his head. "he has fourteen years left, you understand?"

hermione nodded. "i understand, but i firmly believe he's paid his dues with the last six years and this case. he's—he hates it, kingsley, and i know it. draco doesn't deserve to be a hitman."

"mr. malfoy is a rather competent hitman, you realise?" kingsley stated matter-of-factly. "on every single one of his missions, evidence never led back to him or the ministry. he's quite the asset to the department."

"that doesn't mean—"

"i can limit it down," kingsley said. "he works big cases only for the next ten years. now, those cases arise around twice, thrice a year, which means he'll have a lot of free time before and after."

"and how long do those cases last?"

"for draco? usually around a week," kingsley answered honestly. "so that's three weeks at most during a year."

"for the next ten years."

kingsley shrugged sadly. "it's the best i can do and it's what the wizengamot will agree to. i'll, of course, have to run these terms by mr. miles, but i'm sure he'll agree to them too."

hermione sighed. she was doing it a lot that day, but she didn't care. three weeks a year for the next ten he'll be off plotting someone's death while she hopes and prays he's well and alive, but hermione knew it was the best she was going to get.

"what about the frozen accounts?" hermione asked. "will he get them back too?"

kingsley thought for a moment. "we'll unfreeze half of his accounts, the other half he can get back after the ten years."

hermione nodded, realising this'll be the best she'll get out of kingsley. if draco was to be gone a complete three weeks a year for the next ten, it'll be thirty weeks he's gone all together. she could deal with that. hopefully draco could too.

hermione nodded once again and stood up from her chair. "thank you, minister."

as she was about to leave, kingsley stopped her. "miss granger, a word, please?"

hermione halted and spun around, nodding. "of course."

"are you staying in the auror department?" kingsley asked, folding his hands together. "i've heard rumours you were thinking of resigning."

hermione laughed, thinking she might as well get this over with. "in fact, yes, i am. i've been thinking about opening a bookshop."

kingsley chuckled at that and nodded himself, fiddling with some pieces of paper on his desk. "i'm sure mr. malfoy can help you with that now he has the time."

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