part fourteen

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draco didn't know how much longer he'd last. the blood replenishing potion wouldn't last forever, not after the copious amount of blood he's loosing regularly. and now that the death eaters are getting rather impatient he's not sure he'll make it the rest of the day.

granger, where the fuck are you?

draco sighed and drooped down a little, opening his eyes enough to spot bellatrix once again drinking his blood. he wrinkled his nose at the sight and hoped she choked on it—even though it was rather impossible for her to do so.

"i hear the brown girls funeral went well," alecto hummed, reclining back on a stool against a table. "the mudblood was there and she looked quite alright."

"it was a... fucking... funeral," draco breathed out, trying to roll his eyes properly. "no one... is alright... at a bloody funeral."

draco pulled at his restraints, feeling them loosen slightly around his wrists. he just needed some time and a blood replenishing potion (hopefully it'll work) so he can make his grand escape. maybe he should dramatise the whole thing. would random explosions, slow motion and a near-death experience be considered dramatic?

"i wonder if anyone will show up at yours," rodolphus hummed, scraping his knife against a wall. "if anyone cares about you enough."

"i'm an independent lad," draco murmured, shrugging slightly. "and i'd prefer to be cremated, you see. sprinkle my ashes over the astronomy tower in hogwarts okay? i'd like to remain in the place i first betrayed your lot."

alecto screeched in anger at that. she threw her dagger at him and in one swift movement it lodged itself into the wooden pole above his head.

draco laughed dryly. "i think you need to work on your aim, darling. my gorgeous face is a little lower down."

before alecto could spit back her own reply, the door burst into splinters. a beyond angry hermione granger stormed through and shot spells at oncoming death eaters, dodging the weapons they threw back in retaliation.

draco breathed a sigh of relief and lifted a heavy leg as he turned slightly to try and dislodge himself from the machine. after successfully pulling the tube out of his neck draco spun a complete one-eighty and shuffled up onto his feet. he pushed himself up further until he could feel the dagger right above his ropes. as quick as he tried to be, the fatigue that came with blood loss hung heavily over his senses, leaving draco slipping up every few seconds and accidentally nicking himself a few times.

around him aurors were petrifying and fighting off death eaters. draco watching in satisfaction as crabbe and goyle went down, along with rabastan and a few others.

suddenly he could hear hermione's shouting and bellatrix's cackling, which told him that they were facing each other off. he tried to quicken his pace, hoping that he can somehow help in his state.

"you really thought i wouldn't come back for him?" draco heard hermione shout, which made him smile a little. stupid, selfless granger with her habit of saving doomed people.

"draco malfoy isn't worth the effort!" bellatrix hissed over the commotion. "i don't understand why you'd risk your life for him, of all people!"

draco forced more effort into getting the restraints off. he was so fucking tired, and he wanted to collapse on the spot, but he had to.

"because he's fucking worth it!" draco heard granger scream which warmed his heart. in fact he even stopped for a moment to embrace the satisfaction of meaning something to granger on such a level—hell, he was sure he had this sappy smile on his face but he currently didn't give a shit, so.

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