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draco wanted to die.

well, not literally, but if it got him peace away from screaming kids then yes, he wanted to fucking die.

hermione was so adamant they have kids and it didn't help that draco had warmed up to teddy and victoire so much but merlin, he liked them so much because he didn't bloody well live with them.

it's not he hated his little rodents—they're just—kids.

and, as if on cue, he heard screaming coming from the living room. draco groaned and turned the gas down to the lowest point so their dinner wouldn't overlook while he was dealing with his goddamn kids. when he dragged himself in he spotted five year olds scorpius and lyra—draco was rather against naming his kids after constellations considering it was fucking shit, but hermione really wanted to carry the tradition on and draco relented when he realised that it'd be hell for his kids as they'd be picked on for the rest of their lives—arguing over the fucking remote.

"i want to watch mickey mouse!" screamed scorpius, yanking the remote towards himself.

"well, i want to watch tom and jerry!" lyra screamed, yanking the remote towards her. draco wondered why he offered to be the stay-at-home dad and then realised it was because he didn't have a stable job, only working whenever he had nothing to do at the joke shop or in their bookshop.

"mickey mouse!"

"tom and jerry!"

draco sighed and made his way over to his youngest daughter cassiopeia, who was contently playing with some building blocks. she was only three and by merlin wasn't she the easiest to deal with. draco dreaded the day she grew and started to hate everyone and everything.

"come here, sweetheart," draco cooed, watching in pride as his daughters face morphed into a gigantic smile, stretching her arms out in front of her while her hands made grabby motions. draco picked her up and held her against his chest, letting her play with his hair—she loved it so much for some odd reason, but then again she was stuck with the boring chestnut colour that hermione had so draco wasn't surprised.

"do you want to watch tv?" draco murmured, pointing at the tv which currently was playing wizards of waverley place. draco fucking loved how muggles portrayed wizards and witches on tv and lyra loved to watch this programme.

cassiopeia nodded jerkily, giggling. "tom tom!" she screeched, now patting down the hair she mussed up on his head.

draco turned to the twins and quickly snatched the remote out of their grips. "sorry scorp, but it's two against one. you'll have to watch mickey later."

"dad!" scorpius whined, crossing his arms moodily. "mickey mouse."

draco placed cas in between her two older siblings and quickly ruffled his only sons hair. "oh come on, kiddo. you can help me cook if you want."

scorpius lit up at the offer. draco grinned, picked up his only son and took him into the kitchen. "i need someone to mash the potatoes, you see. think you can do that for me, scorp?"

scorpius nodded enthusiastically. "yep!"

draco ruffled his sons hair then placed him on the island. scorp crossed his legs, clapped his hands and then squealed when draco placed the bowl of half-mashed potatoes in front of him and a, well, potatoes masher.

why the fuck was he the stay at home dad again?

draco sighed heavily as he waited for the filling to be made. seven years. seven years since that goddamn case and now he's married with three little shits and is practically adopted by the weasley's. it was rather disgusting, seeing how so much red is in love with him, but he's gotten used to it. especially their touchy-feely nature.

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