part seventeen

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draco cried a little. just a few stray tears that hermione didn't shame him at all for—because it's okay to cry—he managed to pull himself together and the only evidence of his crying were the few droplets on the file.

"you're the best, have i told you?" draco murmured sweetly, leaning in for a kiss.

hermione giggled slightly and shrugged. "you don't need to, i already know."

draco laughed and kissed her for a long time. just a sweet, adorable kiss that comforted the both of them. after that hermione pulled away, picked up the jewellery box and pointed at the diamond necklace. "was that your mothers?"

draco picked it up and held it to the light. it glinted and hermione started in wonder as it changed colour to a pale blue. "yes, it's a mood diamond. changes colour according to how you feel."

"what does blue mean then?" she asked, shuffling closer and resting her chin on his shoulder. draco dropped his arm and held the necklace in his lap, both of them staring down at it as it shone brightly.

"it means happiness," draco murmured, turning his head and pecking her lips softly. "i'm just really fucking happy."

hermione laughed and ran a ringer down the fragile diamond. at her touch it brightened even more, making hermione giggle. "i love it. she must've rocked this necklace."

draco chuckled and nodded, closing his hand around the necklace. "she did, i'm sure. any pictures of her i had was burned because of lucius."

the blue light that creeped through his hands dimmed to a dark, deep purple. hermione guessed that was sadness. she was about to speak but he quickly turned to her, a small smile etched on his face.

"you know, i think i still owe you a christmas present," he murmured, holding the necklace up. hermione's eyes widened at his intention and she couldn't help it when her heart started to flutter. "so, princess, my gift to you."

"i can't," hermione breathed although all she wanted was to wear the diamond with pride. "it's—"

"perfect for you," draco finished, unclasping it. "i'm sure my mother would've wanted me to give it to someone i care about."

hermione smiled and ducked her head even though she bunched up her hair and lifted it sodraco could wrap the chain around her. once the clasp was done, she dropped her hair and kissed him once again.

"you know, i there's this perfect place we can go to," hermione murmured between kisses. "for a date. my treat."

"i still owe you twenty-nine more," draco muttered, eyes still closed. "i think it should be my treat."

hermione laughed and shoved his shoulder. her attention went back to the box in her hands and she finally picked up the leather bracelet.

"hyperion's," draco said, smiling at the bracelet. "i had picked it out for him."

"why don't you wear your malfoy ring?" hermione asked tentatively as she placed the bracelet down only to pick up the ring.

"it's nothing poetic, i assure you," he chuckled, taking the ring out of her hand and slipping it onto his finger. "it's a signature ring, so wearing it during missions is very risky. they'll know who i am before i—" he cut himself off.

hermione placed the box back onto the table and jumped off the bed. "c'mon, time to get ready! you have to wear something comfortable, though. and muggle."

"i can do that."

"can you really?" hermione teased. "i guess i'll see when you pick me up from my flat."

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