part eight

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draco malfoy pulled on his poker face before he entered the disgusting muggle inn. he had an outline of a plan—one that could go two ways. it can either flow through or it can also end with draco legging it out of the place.

without even speaking to the bartender draco strolled to the stairs and made his way up them and to the room he was last in with granger. the corridor was significantly, dramatically dimmer than a few days ago as the window was covered in board so no light shone through.

once draco stood outside the door, he steeled himself before—without even knocking—threw the door open. his smirk slipped on in default as knives—not wands, fucking knives—were suddenly pointed in his direction.

he closed the door behind him and held his hands up in surrender as a mockingly fearful look crossed his face. "oh dear, how violent. is that the way you treat an old acquaintance?"

draco's eyes trailed over the faces in the room. there was alecto—obviously—and a few minor death eaters draco never bothered to know the names of. what surprised him most was crabbe and goyle's appearance. fuck, he owed granger a months worth of dinner now.

he felt magic poking around in his head but his occlumency walls are always up, so whoever was trying to find something was putting in futile effort.

"crabbe," draco acknowledged his old 'friend'. "thought you died."

the burly man snorted. "polyjuice potion. it was mrs le—"

"my idea," another voice cut in, one draco was dreading to hear. now he had to turn the charm on beyond one hundred.

draco turned and gave his deranged aunt a overly sweet smile. "auntie dearest—why am i not surprised?"

bellatrix lestrange shot draco one of her own sweet smiles. her lips were painted a blood red, her black corset dress reached the floor and a hood was pulled over her wild hair. her face was very visible—the pale ashiness and grey eyes—and the sharp features on full display.

"we've been looking for you," she drawled, cocking her head to the side. "you've kept yourself quite hidden, draco. well, until a few days ago."

"you work for the ministry," alecto hissed, her cockney accent slipping through as she stood glaring at draco harshly. "turning your back on the death eaters, is it?"

draco sighed heavily and rolled his eyes. "of course i haven't. however, i'd still like to have a life, thank you very much."

"your killing me says otherwise," bellatrix hummed. "or have you already forgotten?"

the knives were back out on full display and if draco hadn't had experience with dangerous weapons he'd definitely be worried enough to break a sweat. however, he shrugged and crossed his arms casually.

"orders are orders," he stated simply, biting his lip momentarily. "you'd do the same, bella, don't forget."

"so you're telling me our master ordered you, of all people, to kill me?" bellatrix cackled, her voice getting higher as she spoke. "you completely botched that simple job too!"

the small group laughed along with the deranged lady as draco shrugged once again, keeping his composure. "i didn't really predict the vampire blood, bella. i'm sure no one did. no wonder you were obsessed with it."

bellatrix huffed out a laugh, shaking her head as she stalked over to her nephew. "oh, draco, you don't understand. you're killing me is what turned me! all i did was take a glass a day, you're the one who did the rest."

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