Chapter 11-What's Next?

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Chiz's pov....

I ran back to Biz's office/our room to give her the ingredients I fetched and to give her a note that just came in.

"Biz, you're never going to believe it!-" I said.

Biz fell from her chair, probably startled. I offered a hand and helped her up, but she didn't look too happy.

"For the 100th time, KNOCK!" Biz said pointing to my head as she said the second part, "How can I get this into your brain!?"

"Should I try it again?" I asked.

"No, no, you're already here." Biz replied, "Did you get the materials?"

"Yes, along with this note." I answered.

"Hold on to the note for a minute please." Biz said.

Biz took the materials and added them to whatever she was making.

"Pardon me for asking again, but what are you making?" I asked.

"Remember the Order of the Stone? Well, their oldest member, Ivor, has been giving me chemistry lessons through our communication book." Biz explained, "If I did this correctly, this potion should make the drinker immune to fire and lava."

All I could do was stare in amazement at all the bubbling containers and straw-like tubes connecting them. At the end was a small vial with orange liquid.

"Wow." I gasped.

"I've made other potions as well." Biz added, "This green potion can make the drinker jump really high, and this light blue one can allow the drinker to run really fast. There are other potions I still have to do, but there is one that I am hoping to perfect: invisibility."

I cocked my head to the side in confusion at the last part.

"You said there was a note?" Biz said after a moment of silence.

"Oh right!" I said, grabbing the note, "here you go."

Biz looked at it and immediately bolted out the door, dropping the note in the process.

Curious as I am, I picked up the note and read it:

Newcomer arriving at 4
Be there to welcome them

Wait. Diz is sending the message this time? I don't remember the last time that happened. Oh well!

I looked at the clock.


I raced out the door to follow her. I want to see who this person is!

*Unknown Character's pov*

I stepped off of the transport ship and...



I accidentally fell on top of someone! Great! Can my first day get any better?

I looked up....and I saw an angel. She looked absolutely beautiful!

A slap to my face brought me from my fantasies.

"Snap out of it." she said, "So, you must be the newcomer?"

"Y-yes I am, miss...." I left the end of the sentence hanging so that she could fill it in.

"Biz." she answered, "Mr...."

"Jiz. My name is Jiz." I replied.

"Alright. Ummmm, should we start with a tour?" she asked uncertainly.

"Sure." I replied, "I would love to see the place."

"Follow me then." she replied, "and NO funny business, got it!?"

"Yes mame." I said, following her as ordered.

Honestly, now that I've seen her, I can't take my eyes off of her! What is going on? Am I

*Back to Biz's pov*

I get it that some people are clumsy, but the way he stared at me was just ridiculous-not the kind that you would laugh at, though.

Could it be possible that there is some sort on his mind?

If there is, I'll smack him.
Warning: Stress Levels going up and down today

So, hello again readers.

As I said in the last chapter, I'm doing something different with this book. This will be a combination of multiple books(each one can be told apart, don't worry).

The next book will be called An Enemy Among Us. I'll leave you to decipher that clue.

And, since I sometimes add quotes on my title covers, here is the one I would've added:

"You've heard my testimony, now what's your verdict?"

I won't even tell you who it is....

See you later!

P.S. I got a choir concert tonight, so I may not answer back till later if you read this past 6pm.

-pinkninja out

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