An Enemy Among Us: Chapter 18-

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Biz's pov.......

"Come on Chiz or else we'll be late!" I said, running into the building.

We stopped at the office to get visitor passes and headed to Classroom 24. The teacher was waiting for us by the classroom door.

"Sorry we're late." I said.

"Oh no, you're not late! You're just in time." the teacher said, "I hope I didn't cause you any trouble-"

"You didn't cause any trouble." I replied.

"You see, the kids are learning about Vizion's history, and I figured they-" The teacher explained.

"That they would want to hear about it firsthand. I get it, I get it." I said.

*Time Skip-brought to you by introductions*

"How did you join Vizion?" one kid asked.

"Well, for that, I'd have to go way back to the first 4 years of my life that I spent in an experiment lab.-" I said.

"Oooh! Tell us more!" a second kid said.

"About my experience in the experiment lab?" I asked.

The kids nodded.

"I was kidnapped not too long after I was born and sent to an experiment lab. I was one of the test subjects. All day and all night they did experiments on us. I don't remember most of them, and the ones I do remember are too inappropriate for your ears....all except one."

The kids smiled when I said there was one that I could describe.

"There were certain standards we had to meet or else we would be severely punished. I was falling behind the standards, so they decided to punish me in the worst possible way."

The kids gasped.

"I was in a test tube looking at all my fellow test subjects and the two main heads of the operation. I remember what they said as though it was just a minute ago. 'You all have been keeping up with standards....barely. This child has not. We will use this demonstration to show you just what happens when you mess with the standards.'"

The kids moved in closer, hoping to hear what happened next.

"After that, they flipped the switch and they dumped a chemical called Tourmaline Hydroxide into my test tube. The serum burned at my skin like fire! I could feel my tears against my face. And when the burning stopped and the water cleared, my skin became pink."

"Whoa!" the kids said.

"My eyes opened and I felt a rage like no other. I broke through the test tube and tried to attack one of the men in charge. I was too late though. They tased me and had me beaten. It was from then on that I resisted them and organized a revolution for freedom. I was caught and would have died if it weren't for Vizion. They liberated me and allowed me to become one of them. Ever since, I've been a part of Vizion."

"Ooooh!" the kids said.

I was about to say something when...

"Attention students and staff, we are going to have a lockdown. Lock all windows and doors. Please keep your students together." the loudspeakers boomed.

I looked out the window. There are 4 people out there with black cloaks and armed!

"After I jump out this window, lock it for me, will you?" I said to the teacher.

"Wait. You're going out there!?" Chiz asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Take me with you." Chiz said.

"You're staying here to keep an eye on the kids." I said.

"You can't do it alone..."


"...and I'll be careful!..."


"...I promise I'll help!"

"Chiz! You're staying here and that's an order!" I shouted.

"Yes Captain." Chiz replied solemnly, "I suppose you'll need this then."

"Chiz! What in space are you doing with that!? We're in a school! We aren't supposed to have weapons in school!" I shouted.

"It was for emergencies only." Chiz said.

"I guess I can't argue with that." I said, snatching the blaster from her hand.

*Time Skip-brought to by "We jumped out a window."*

I headed out onto the blacktop and before I knew it, I was surrounded on all sides.

"What are you doing here?" I said.

"We're looking for you." the first one said.

"Our master has sent us to look for you." the second one added.

"Who is your master and what does he want with me?" I asked.

"We don't know." the third one said.

"Fair enough." I said, charging my blaster.

"I swear! We don't know!" the third one said.

"He wears this creepy mask so we can't see his face! Anyone who's seen his face never lived to tell the tale." the fourth one said.

"If we don't follow his orders, we will die." the first one said.

"So your doing this by force?" I said.

"Precisely." the second one said.

Suddenly, a rope flew past my head and tied up the 4 enemies. The person jumped off of the roof and landed in front of them.

The mystery figure wore a black cloak like the 4 enemies. I thought it was another enemy, so I kicked them in the gut and pinned them to the ground with their arms behind them. My blaster was in my hand.

"Captain, please, I swear I'm not with them!" the person said, but immediately shut up realizing they said something they weren't supposed to say.

I ripped off the hood and yanked them off the ground.

"Chiz, Take the prisoners to the ship and make sure they're secure. I'll be right there." I said, giving her a deadly glare before walking away.

I didn't see it, but I could just picture her face.

"I'm on it Captain." Chiz answered.
Hey guys!

This is the official end to An Enemy Among Us and we are now starting the next book, Mysterious Demise.

Hope you enjoy!

-pinkninja out

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