Lines Between Us: Chapter 27-

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*Ninja's pov...*

Light glowed from me as I slowly floated off the ground. My regular clothes were replaced by my ninja gi and my wound was healed. A big explosion of light flew out in all directions like a ripple and killed all the shadow creatures. The sky had been repaired as well. As I floated gently back to the ground and the light faded, my katanas flew into my hands. It felt good to wield them again.

A loud uproar of cheers from both crews flooded the room. Oddles, Starry, and Shay gave me a giant group hug.

"So, how does it feel having your 'tama back?" Starry asked.

I smiled and replied, "Great. I'm definitely getting my strength back."

My gaze fell upon the wounded Gail laying on the floor. She was helpless and defenseless, and something tugged at my heart. In my mind, I knew it wasn't going to happen.

"The 'tama was wrong. You aren't the chosen one, as much as you like to believe it." Gail croaked. She knew the odds were now against her.

"I could end your life right now, but that would be a luxury. I'll let Oddles deal with you instead." I said. Oddles quickly left to take Gail back to the Author's Realm.

"Hey guys! I found another 'tama." Shay said, holding a golden 'tama in her hand, "I believe it was Gail's. What should we do with it?"

"If its Gail's, smash it." Starry replied.

"No wait!" I interrupted, "I have a better idea. There is someone I'd like to give this to."

"Ninja, I don't know! When you gave it to Gail...." Oddles responded, coming back from the Author's Realm.

"She's nothing like Gail. I've known her for years. She's been asking for writing advice, and what better way than to..." I said.

"Yeah, yeah, we get it. So who is this mysterious person, huh?" Oddles interrupted.

I opened a portal with my pink 'tama and out came a girl with short blonde hair and blue eyes with a purple short sleeve shirt and jean capris. Her tennis shoes were black.

"Lexie!" I called.

"Wow! So you can really enter your story? Cool!" Lexie said, looking around in wonder. I motioned for her to come over.

"Yeah, but that's not why you're here." I said. I held out the golden 'tama to her, "Your dream come true is in this crystal. Take it."

Lexie hesitantly took the crystal. Light shone from her as she began a transformation similar to mine. Her clothes were turned into a gray buttoned blouse and jeans. Her hair turned pink and a pair of goggles with golden lenses appeared on her head. She was now The Golden Minecart.

"Wow! So does this mean.." Lexie asked.

"You are an Author just like all of us." I replied.

Lexie gave me a big hug and whispered in my ear, "You're the best."
Don't worry! The book isn't quite over yet!

But we have a new Author! Yay! I'm sure you will be happy, my friend.

-pinkninja out

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