A New Perspective: Chapter 3-

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*Biz's pov...*

Night fell over the ship like a blanket. Not a foot was in sight. Even though it was dark, it was the perfect time to leave.

I snapped my fingers to get Chiz's attention and motioned for her to come here. There was no answer, so I snapped again. No answer. Instead, I decided to clear my throat to get her attention, which this clearly did.

Chiz ran up to my side right away. She looked intrigued, wondering what we were going to do.

"A little slow this evening I see?" I commented.

Chiz was about to speak, but the look on my face kept her silent.

"You don't need to apologize. Let's go." I said.

"Yes Captain." she muttered obediently.

*Time Skip-brought to you by darkness, my old friend.*

We were hiking for a few hours, and I was about to stop when something caught my eye.

It was a slightly opened door with a light on inside. Hoping to find something useful inside, I wandered in to take a look.

"Whoa, are we in someone's room?" Chiz whispered. I shushed her and kept searching.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard a noise coming from the bed. I looked up and immediately regretted that decision.

"What is going-" I put one hand over her mouth and one over her eyes.

"Get out now!" I whispered in a low voice.

Chiz and I ran right out of the room as fast as we could.

"What was in there?" Chiz asked. I whispered it into her ear.

"Not a word of this to anyone or we'll both be caught dead. Caught and dead." I said with a glare. Chiz crossed her heart.

*Viz's pov...*

I turned over in bed to see the door open a crack. Was someone spying into my room? If so, they will be dead.

I got up and peeked into the hallway. Nothing. Just as I thought. I closed the door all the way and locked it this time before heading back into bed.

"Must have popped open again when you came in." I suggested.

"Possibly." Ellis replied, "Now where were we?"
Oh my gosh Viz! You've been caught red handed! Sleeping in bed with Ellis, wow!

*Viz glares at me* "What was that?"
N-Nothing sir. *Winks to audience*

"Better have been nothing"

Well, that's all for this chapter! See you next time!

-pinkninja out

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