Lines Between Us: Chapter 6-

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*????'s pov...*

I jumped into my temporarily invisible ship and fled from Vizion. It had taken me a while, but I found my own ship and prepared to board.

"Permission to board?" I asked via communicator.

"Permission granted." the voice on the opposite end of the communicator replied.

I landed my ship in the launch bay, shifted back to my true form, and rushed to find my boss. Little did I know that she was right there....

"Where do you think you're going?" I hear a voice say. I turn and see my boss nearby.

Without a word, I walked over to her. I dropped to a knee, as was custom before speaking to the boss.

"Rise." She said. I slowly rose to my feet. She had a usually stern look on her face through which her feelings are invisible.

"Did you get the 'tama?" she asked.

"Tama?" I asked.

"The crystal! Did you get the crystal!?" she shouted.

"Yes, ma'am." I replied, handing her the pink crystal.

"Yes, yes, you've done your job well. And you got it back here without being spotted? How wonderful!" she said, examining the crystal.

"About that, ma'am...." I stuttered, "someone...may have...seen me."

"They saw you?! You idiot!" she shouted, leaning in closer to me.

I slowly backed away, putting my hands up in defence, "N-Not exactly! They only saw me in disguise! T-They won't suspect a thing!" I stuttered.

"Of course they will get suspicious when they find that the real person doesn't have it!" she shouted.

A red blinking light reflected off the crystal and caught my attention. My boss looked at my leg and found a small device on my pants leg. She grabbed the tiny device and crushed it in her hand.

"A tracking device!? Do you want to lead them right to us!?" she shouted.

"N-No! I didn't even notice it-" I stuttered.

"Report to my office in an hour. We will discuss this further.....alone." she said. She turned to leave before I could open my mouth to speak.

I knew what would happen. She only ever called someone into her office to speak when it involved.....torture or punishment. Well, except for when she is trying to make peace with other organizations, but that rarely happened.

I wondered what she needed that crystal for? What could be so special about it? Maybe I'm not supposed to know.
Oooh! We have a new ship and crew! I wonder what I should call them......

Who could the boss be? Who could the shape shifting person be? Oooh! There are so many mysteries!

-pinkninja out

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