Scarlett Isabella Valentine

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Later that evening

   I was putting up some shots on our personal court to get away for a minute. Everyone else was either taking a nap or watching tv. My dad left a while ago, saying that he was picking up Aunt Maya and Uncle Brian from the airport. I wondered if Auntie Makay was coming. Over the time, I noticed the tension between her and my dad, but never knew why. Nana was also coming and that was probably the best Christmas present for me.

Nana was my favorite person in the world. I think it's because she's my only grandparent. I've never heard my dad talk about our grandfather, but grandma seemed like she was an angel. Nana says that our mom's father was their favorite person, not her. I understood being a daddy's girl, though. Ascaria and I were the same way. I considered myself a mommy's girl too. Ascaria and our mom butted heads more often times than not.

   Dribbling behind my back, I stepped back a little and threw the shot up hitting net. Basketball was a holy sanctuary for me. I battled with depression my early teen years, and when I played basketball it seem to all go away. I think that's why I'm so close with my dad because he was the same way. He stays on me just to keep me on track. It's why I'm always busy. If I'm not playing basketball, I'm playing some type of sport. During the summers, I travel with a AAU team full of boys. I mean this in the most humble way possible when I say that I'm clearly head and shoulders above everyone on the team.

I threw up another shot, missing it this time. "Briiiickkkk!"

   I turned my head to see KaNoah walking in my direction. I discreetly rolled my eyes in his presence. KaNoah was the biggest asshole in the history of mankind. I usually don't give him a reaction because it seems like he feeds off of it. That's how I, in turn, get on his nerves.

One thing I couldn't overlook, though, was how good he looked

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One thing I couldn't overlook, though, was how good he looked. I knew he wasn't family by blood. However, blood couldn't make our families any closer. I couldn't deny the attraction. Underneath the hardened asshole personality, was someone who just wanted to live his own life. Uncle Ty seemed to be on his ass every time you looked up.

  "Hey Noah." I tucked the ball under my arm, and looked up at him.

"Wassup Scar?" He reached out to grab me by my waist. "Can I have a hug?" Even if I wanted to protest, I was already in his embrace and his arms wrapped around me tightly. Hesitantly, I hugged him back and my eyes rolled instinctively as I inhaled his cologne.

   When he pulled away, after what seemed like forever, I felt a little lost. "When did you get here?" I asked.

He took the ball from under my arms, and dunked the ball with ease. "We just got here like five minutes ago. Just me and my mom. My dad still in Oakland for that charity event." I nodded my head. "Where's Unc?"

   My eyes followed the ball as he shot the three, and made it. "Went to get Aunt Maya and Uncle Brian from the airport."

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