Iman Khalil Valentine, cont..

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I'm adding a second part to Iman's previous chapter. Just to give you some insight on who Sydney really is. Everyone has a story. Like I said before, I've been really down and this is the only thing that is keeping me sane. Surprisingly, my material isn't reflecting how I feel so that's good. I hope you guys enjoy it.

The first chapter to Sister Mafia should be up real soon. I think you guys are going to enjoy this one a little bit more than Malia&Khari, if that's possible, lol. I'm really excited about it because I got the idea for the book while I was on the toilet, tbh. Sorry if y'all didn't wanna know that, but all of my best ideas come from the toilet. *shrugs*

Excuse any mistakes. Love you guys

After the secks.

    I was looking at tv, not really paying attention to what was actually on. I was thinking about Sydney telling me that she loved me. I didn't say it back right away because I wanted to make sure I meant it. I've only know her for like two and half months, but shit was hitting the fan quick. Before a couple of weeks ago, we was together everyday. She was full of life and fresh air. She helped me see that I'll only enjoy this life if I do it my way. I had fell for her quicker than I did Layla.

"Iman, you haven't said anything since earlier." Sydney said as her head laid comfortably against my chest. She sat up a little to look at me. "What's wrong? Why are you quiet?"

I looked at her, and shrugged. "Nothin' just thinkin' that's it. Nothin' serious." I said honestly.

She looked at me as if she didn't believe me. "About me saying I love you? "Don't overthink it too much. I say a lot of things when I'm getting dick of that caliber."

Out of instinct, my face scrunched up. "What?" I looked at her. "So you ain't mean it?"

Sydney shook her head, and shrugged her shoulders. "Nah, I'm a stripper. I sell you a fantasy, Iman." She said getting up out of the bed. I looked at her like she was deadass crazy. I watched as she gathered her clothes off of the floor. I knew she was lying because I was pretty good at reading people. For some reason, she had her guard up around me which is new considering that she introduced me to the carefree life.

"Who did this to you?" I asked.

Finally, her head turned and her eyes fell on me. She looked to be confused while she buttoned up her shirt. "What are you talking about?"

I licked my lips before responding. "Who made you feel like you gotta be guarded up? Who hurt you? And how?" I asked.

She shook her head. "No one." She said simply. "Like I told you, I can't love. It's simple. I'm only good for what we just got finished doing." I shook my head, knowing that what she was saying was bullshit. I was starting to get annoyed because she was frustrating me. I didn't like games.

  "Stop saying that shit." I said, raising my voice a little.

Her eyes glanced up at me before she finished buttoning up her shirt. "Iman, you're a really nice guy and any girl would be lucky to have you. You literally can have any woman you want yet you want the broken one. I don't get it." She sighed.

   "Can't be too broken saying you love someone." I said. "And don't even say you didn't mean it because you did. I saw it in your face and eyes. Like they say, it's all in the eyes." She looked away immediately, and cleared her throat.

"You're just like him." She mumbled to herself, but I heard clearly.

  "Just like who?" I lifted my brow.

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