Ascaria Isabelle Valentine

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   I watched as Ryan slept peacefully on the couch in Scarlett's arms. To say I was pretty shocked about what had happened to her was an understatement. You really don't expect that to happen, especially to your sister. I blamed her mom, but it wasn't my place to say anything. Instead of her being here and comforting Ryan, she left again to be with her so called boyfriend. I just wanted to know what the hell my daddy saw in her. She was nothing like mommy. Sure, she was pretty, but that's it.

Getting up, I went upstairs to where Mommy and Farrah were talking. When I made it up, my mom looked like she was in distraught. She looked at me and smiled weakly. "Couldn't sleep?"

  I shook my head no. "I'm worried about them."

"Me too." Farrah chimed in.

   "I know, I know." My mom sighed, and got up. "I am, too. I haven't seen your dad that angry in a long time. I just hope he didn't do anything to crazy. I'm almost positive he found Sean and beat him. I just feel that. But, I hope that's all he did. For his sake."

I pouted. "You think he did?"

  She nodded her head. "If I know your father, then yes. But, I'm not really worried as much about him as I am with Iman. Yes just like your dad. He reminds me a lot of Khari when Khari was younger. Not good."

"What about Kamari?" Farrah asked.

  My mom shook her head. "Kamari is such a good boy." She chuckled to herself. "You really have to push Kamari to make him angry or for him to act out. I never had a problem with him. Only when Khari and I were having our issues. But, other than that, he was a sweet kid. Iman was too, don't get me wrong. He got in a lot of fights when he got in school, though. Anger is a Valentine trait, I guess."

I smacked my lips. "I'm not angry."

   "You're right, but Scarlett is."

I scratched my head, thinking about the incident at In-N-Out and mentally nodded. She was right. Scarlett was pretty angry, but she had an outlet. Basketball kept her calm. Iman, on the other hand, didn't care too much for sports. However, I thought he was the most talented out of all of us.

   "Scarlett seems pretty sweet to me." Farrah looked at us. My mom and I looked at each other and laughed. Farrah looked at us, confused. "What?"

"Scarlett was the mastermind behind all of our devious schemes when we were growing up. I remember when Kamari was still staying with us and he had did something to Scarlett. I forgot what it was, but he pissed her off. She waited until he was good and sleep one night. I mean, she waited like a week to get him back. He didn't see it coming. She pulled me out of bed and my dumb as—self went." My mom glared at me and I threw my hands up. "I caught myself. But, anyway, we went into his room and shaved his head. Then, put his tires on flat."

  My mom and Farrah fell out laughing. Scarlett was the ringmaster. I was such a follower. We never got in trouble, though. Daddy didn't like beating us. "Wait, I thought Iman did that?" My mom put her hand her hip.

"Oops." I tucked in my lips.

   "Girl, you so funny." Farrah chuckled. "Where you get your humor from?"

"My daddy." I batted my eyelashes.

  My mom looked at me. "I'm not funny?"

"No." I looked back at her.

  "Wow. I'm hurt. Like, seriously hurt." She said dramatically and sat back the bed. She immediately stood back up and looked at Farrah. "Did you wash these sheets?"

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