Scarlett Isabella Valentine

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   Roman and I were sitting down by Starbucks, talking and laughing. Before I realized that we had some sort of chemistry, we were friends, really good friends. He was one of the few genuine people I had met in my life time. I took the blame for us not keeping in touch because basketball had basically consumed my life. Then, he got tangled up in the football season which is just now finishing up since we went to the State Championships.

"So, how are things going? I seen your game against Cordell High just before break. 40 points?" He whistled. "Pretty impressive." He stirred his drink while keeping his eyes on me.

I shrugged, sipping on the latte he bought me. "I had four turnovers that game."

He let out a chuckle. "I mean.. you can't dwell on that. You also had what? 7 assists?"

"Ah, it's so much you have to learn about me. I'm hard on myself because I know I can do better. Plus, I play point guard. The ball is always in my hands. Turnovers are a no no." My dad wasn't even the one who pointed out that I had those many turnovers. It was Uncle Ty. Since he had played point guard, he was teaching me from his experience. He had a height advantage, though. He was 6'6 while I'm only 5'5. He could see over the defense.

Roman nodded his head, and sat back in his chair. "Well, I guess I can understand that. I'm hard on myself, too. I can't relate with the turnover thing because I'm usually the one who's trying to create turnovers." He let out a chuckle. "But, I'm grinding 24/7 trying to get better at my craft. I guess we have that in common." He smiled causing me to melt a little.

I cleared my throat and looked away quickly. "I guess so."

"Awww, you were always shy." Roman teased, pinching my cheeks a little. I smacked his hand away and playfully rolled my eyes. "It's ok. It's cute on you. I like when your cheeks turn red and stuff. So adorable."

"Leave me alonneeee." I whined.

"Fine, fine." He held his hand up. "How's your family doing?"

"They're fine. They're still crazy, though. My mom asks about you sometimes. I'm not sure why." I crossed my legs and sat back in my chair.

"Mama knows best, that's what I heard." He smirked.

"What do yo—"

"Wassup Scar?" KaNoah said as he approached the table. I looked him with confusion on my face. I wasn't sure what he was doing. I watched as he looked at Roman with his eyebrow raised, and extended his hand. "Frank, right?"

I smacked my lips at his pettiness. He knew exactly who Roman was. Roman looked at his hand then back up at him. Folding his arms, he chuckled lowly to himself. "Roman."

Noah snapped his fingers. "Roman, that's right. Well Roman, you can leave. She's good, I'm here now." He took the seat on the side of me, and looked in my direction. I squinted my eyes at him, trying to see what was his problem. He winked at me, then looked back at Roman. "You can't hear?"

"Noah, stop being rude. What do you want? Roman and I are in the middle of a conversation." I sat up in my chair to look at him. He and Roman were having a stare-off causing me to sigh. I grabbed Noah's face, making him look at me. "Leave."

Roman picked up his drink, and sipped on it. Now, it was Noah and I who had a stare-off, and I was daring him to try me. He had already crossed the line and I didn't want to do anything but put my foot up his bulky ass. He clenched his jaw, and abruptly got up. I wasn't sure what was his issue, but he needed to fix it. He was acting very weirdly lately.

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