Iman Khalil Valentine

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Later that night...

  I kind of stumbled out of a secluded bar, attempting to keep my balance. Fishing for my keys in my pocket, I walked to my car. This was my routine the last two nights since Layla broke up with me. I wasn't much of a drinker, but my heart was broken. I couldn't even lie like it wasn't. Although I understood where she was coming from, it didn't necessarily take the pain away. I hid it from my family because I didn't want them worrying about me. But, I wasn't ok.

I stood in front of my car door, trying to find the button to unlock it. My vision was kind of blurry and I wasn't sure if I would make it home. I blinked a few times, and looked around the parking lot. My phone was dead so I had no one to come pick me up. Looking ahead, I saw a shop open and decided to walk there. I knew I was being careless which wasn't my thing, but you only live once.

It took me a minute to get there since I was in a drunken state. I peeped in the window seeing a beautiful girl getting ready to close what, I guess, was a beauty salon. I leaned against the side, and knocked gently causing her to turn around. She looked to be hesitant and confused so I held my hand up to say I didn't want any trouble.

She was still a little hesitant, but she walked to the door. She opened it slightly, giving me a better view of her face. I was in awe and almost intimidated. "Can I help you?" She softly asked.

"Umm." I scratched my head, and licked my lips. "This may be a little weird, but.. can you like.. drive me home?"

She was taken aback, and I chuckled at the look on her face. "Why can't you drive yourself home?"

"Well, I'm kinda drunk. My phone is dead so I can't even call no one else to come get me. Unless, I can use yours?" I looked at her. Then, I immediately shook my head. "Nevermind, I don't know anybody number by hard so I'm fucked either way."

She was quiet for a minute before she spoke up again. Folding her arms, she began to take a really good look at me. "How do I know you're not a serial killer?"

I looked around before looking back at her. "I think I would've killed you by now if that was the case. I mean, I let you see my face."

"How you know I won't kidnap you?"

I shrugged a little. "Who said that was a bad thing?"

She let out a chuckle, and shook her head lightly. "Funny."

I leaned my head on the door for support. "So," I started. "You're gonna do me this one favor or what?"

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