Death the Kid x Snarky¡ M reader

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Sarcastic was too long whoops 😂 and sorry if you don't like this, I kinda wanted to branch out and not do a small range of characters from a small range of animes or fandoms 😂😂

Kid's POV

His face is so perfect and symmetrical! I quietly swoon over the new student M/n. I can't help it! He's so perfect. I realize I'm not paying attention and I don't want to get in trouble by stein again so I turn my gaze back at him. My mind starts to wonder off again. Is steins desk in the middle of the room? No. It's not, it pesters me the whole class period until class ends and M/n walks up to me.

"So.....Your my partner." He says with a really noticeable tone of Idgaf.( I don't give a f*ck XD)

"Wait, what?" We're partners? When did that happen?

"If you would have stopped glaring at Stein's desk like it just stole your girlfriend maybe you would have noticed when you got paired up with me." Ok. Now he went too far.

"Oh..well..Why don't we go to your house after school?" I try to lighten the mood and not get his perfect symmetrical face angry.

"Fine...But if my older brother starts to bother you, I'm not going to stop him" M/n states.

"Ok..then..I'll see you later.."

(=^.^=) TIMESKEEP (^-0-^)
~at M/n's house cause I'm too lazy to write how they got there~

Kid's POV

We finally finished our project, it surprised me how well M/n was at making dioramas. Suddenly M/n's brother entered the room.

      *prepare for cowchop reference*

"M/n!" His brother sounds slightly irritated.

"Yea?" M/n replies bluntly.

"This fucking thing is messed up again, resuming-"

"So-" m/n cuts his brother off but then gets cut off by his brother.


"That's your laptop." M/n gets irritated.

"Yeah I know it's my laptop you said you would come f*cking fix it today-"

M/n proceeds to cut his brother off. "And you said you'd pay me."

"How am I going to pay you if it's still broke?" They're practically yelling at each other.

"How am I going to fix it if I'm not paid?" M/n says with a snarky attitude.

"..You're a greedy a**hole. I thought you were my brother, and now I can see your true colors, and I'll tell you somethin'  right now it's not looking good- Why is my dog eating food off the carpet?"

His brother started ranting and then looked down at his dog and immediately changed the subject, it's getting kinda funny now.

"Cause you didn't pay me." M/n replies in a disrespectful manner.

His brother sighs "How the f*ck am I going to fix this?"

"I-" m/n's brother cuts him off.

"I don't know sh*t about a laptop-"

"It's not my problem-"

"I'm making it your problem by, by being here and telling you this is an issue, I'm making it your problem-"

"Not my problem." M/n says angrily and starts to ignore his brother.


"M/n!" His brother calls again, now yelling.

"Alright , alright asshole. I see your game as you get- oh! Oh! I gotta issue oh it's too bad can't hear you- F*ck you." He points to M/n.

"F*ck you." And then he points to me.

"And f*ck you" he says as he slams the door.

M/n turns and looks at me and grins a little. That was so embarrassing I thought they were going to get in a fist fight or something.

"Wanna make out?" He says like it's nothing.

"Huh?" WTF THE GUY IM GAY FOR ASKED IF I WANT TO MAKE OUT. My body is  screaming at me to say yes but my minds screaming ABORT! ABORT! Next thing I know M/n lips are on mine and we have a make out session. I feel his tongue glide against my bottom lip and my mouth reluctantly opens. M/n's tongue darts into my mouth and explores every place there is, gliding over my tongue a few times and finally pulling away I slightly pant.

He smirks. "That was nice..." HOW IS HE SO CALM!? I pant a little more and look at him tiredly. Wait. His bed isn't in the middle of his's in the corner right next to the window.

"Why is your bed there?" I ask pointing to it from where we're sitting on his small couch in his bedroom.

"So that if someone comes through my window I can kick them in the head."

Let's just say, on your anniversary kid came in while you were napping and ended up getting a concussion and you two spent your anniversary in the infirmary.


Please remember to request and comment who you want to be next !!


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