Tamaki Suoh x M! Reader >lemon<

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Ok I'm really sorry if there's random updates of my passed chapters, I honestly have no idea what's going on. My Wattpad is being a bitch and is all glitchy.

Ohohohoh sorry not sorry from what I'm about to write. IF YOU GO TO MY SCHOOL AND AREN'T VAN AND RI YOU SHOULDN'T BE READING THIS LET ALONE HAVE READ THE FIRST 2 CHAPTERS 😂😂 (look how tiny that two is compared to the 'T' damb)


All of the hosts came to my house trying to get me to join the host club for god knows why.

"Please M/N-Chan!!" Honey whines as he pulls on my arm.

I sigh and think about my options. If I say yes I can just be really bad at being a host and they'll kick me out. Right?

I've been in this stupid club for 3 months now, doing anything they assign me wrong. Whenever they would cosplay I would cosplay as the total opposite or not cosplay at all. I've decided to not show up anymore. Why do they like playing girls so much? I honestly don't even think Hikaru and Karou even like being here I just think they like making everyone feel stupid when they can't tell the difference between the both of them.

I go to my locker and completely ignore any member from the host club. For the rest of the day it went great... until I had P.E (physical education) I dread this class. Not just because we're forced to sweat and exercise but mainly because Tamaki is in this class. The only reason he's in this class is because he said we needed more 'bonding time' with each other what the hell does he mean by that?

I change into my shorts and t-shirt  in the boys locker room when I felt someone grab my wrist and tug me back harshly making me fall onto the floor. I started to get up ready to punch a bitch in the face. It only turns out to be Tamaki.

"What the hell Tama-" He cuts me off as he puts his hand over my mouth.

"Shhh..M/n.. look if you didn't want to be in the host club you should have just told us.." He says in a sad tone as he removes his hand.

"I told you all that MULTIPLE times!!"

"Well you should have made it more clear...You should be punished for worrying  mommy and me that you were going to leave.."

"I am going to leave- why are you smirking?"  God dammit he has his stupid smirk that he usually 'Whoos' the girls with when he's hosting.

"Remember that form you signed? When we said you needed a permission slip to come with us to that camping trip? It wasn't a permission slip..it was a contract~"

"You tricked me into signing a contract?"

"No, you chose not to read it of course.. so it's your fault not ours~"

"Tamaki let me go..we need to get back to class...." I look down and see a huge tent in Tamaki's boxers. Oh shit what have I gotten myself into?

"Don't call me Tamaki...Call me daddy~" (IM SORRY OMG PLEASE FORGIVE ME FOR THE DADDY KINK)-He purrs into my ear. I squirm and try to get out of his grip but he tightens his grip on me and starts to drag me out of the locker room and into a supplies closet, in the back part of school where no one goes because there isn't anything important here except for an exit.

Tamaki shoves me into the closet and closes and locks it behind him, he smiles slightly at me.

"I thought you would put up more of a fight.. guess I was wrong..You do like me little M/n"

"I do- I'm not little.." I mumble under my breath. This is a complete lie to myself, If I stand up straight I'm only as tall as Tamaki's shoulders I try to get passed him but he just blocks my way again.

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