Kyoutani Kentarou x M! Reader (angsty??)

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This has some mentions of  "Kill yourself" and other crap, but not any blood or anything, so..if it might trigger you, don't read it? Tbh it isn't really that triggering (to me) but it might?? Srry. IT DOESNT END SAD!! I hate oneshots that r like that. They depress me :)

M/n's POV

"Kyoutaniiiii" I whine.

"..." he stays silent and buries his face in his pillow.

I roll over and cuddle up to him but he scoots away. We've started dating a while ago, a few months, and he always ignores my affection. Sometimes I wonder why he is still dating me. I feel like a burden to him. Me and Kyoutani moved in together because my parents disowned me after I told them I was dating a male. I don't even feel like a friend to him, I try to talk to him but he just grunts and continues to do whatever he's doing at the moment.

"Kyoutani..I want to cuddle..." I look at him, hoping he would say yes.

"Shut up and let me sleep.. Your so annoying.." he growls and grips his pillow tighter.

I know he doesn't mean any of the mean things he says. That's just how he lets out his stress. I never take any of it seriously but like any normal human being, it hurts me. Every single word. But not to the point where I regret dating Kyoutani. He's the best thing that happened to me.

"Please?...It's cold...." I know he turns the heater off on purpose. I know he likes to reject me and see me in pain. But I still love him anyways.

"How many times do I have to tell you? I don't want to fucking touch you, faggot..." he growls.

I know he doesn't mean it. I hope he doesn't mean that. I shake slightly.

"Wh-What?.." I question.

"I said I don't want to touch you, you fucking faggot. Your so stupid! Why do I always have to tell you things twice? Why am I dating you? I can do way better." He says emotionlessly while facing away from me.

I suddenly feel my opinion snap with every word that comes out of his mouth. I'm done with his crap.

"Well.. I'm sorry that I gave up my fucking family for you!! I'm sorry that you have such a bad life!! I could've actually got in a relationship with someone that would actually want to touch me!! YOUR SO SELFISH!! You only ever want to touch me when it's convenient for you!! You asshole!!" I raise my voice at him.

He jerks upright and glares at me. I've never seen him this mad.

"Well maybe I would actually want to touch you if you actually worked out!! Instead all you do is go to school and come home and clean, anyone can do that shit!! Your pretty much useless!! YOU SHOULD JUST KILL YOURSELF!!" He yells at me.

I start to cry.

"Then maybe I will!!!" I scream at him.

"Good! Hopefully they won't find your body!! No one would come to your funeral anyways!!!" He continues to yell at me.

I get up and put on a sweatshirt and run out. He hurt me. He. Hurt. Me. I run until my lungs feel like they are burning. I finally stop when I get to a bridge and I look over the side at the deep blue water. I slowly climb over the railing and stare at the water. I hear a car and Kyoutani's voice screaming for me to stop.

I'm finally giving you what you want Kyoutani. At least I can fully satisfy your needs now.

I step off and I hear Kyoutani's fearful scream as I fall. Everything turns black when I feel my back hit the cold water.

-Time Skip-

M/n's POV

Beep Beep Beep

I wake up to beeping noises. I slowly open my eyes and I look around quietly. I'm in a hospital room. The small want for Kyoutani to be in the room with me so we can have a happy cliché make up. But he's not, of course. I lay there until I hear the door open and I excitedly sit up. It's just a nurse.

"Oh hi! Your awake!-" she starts happily but I cut her off.

"How long was I out for?.."

"Not that long.. You came in yesterday. The doctors were surprised you weren't hurt except for the huge bruise on your back..(stfu I don't know shit about injuries)-"

"Oh.. I-"

"M/n.." Kyoutani comes barging in and sits next to me while glaring at the nurse.

"Can me and my friend be alone for a moment?.." he says with a voice so laced with poison I can see the nurse cringe a little and leave.

"Before you say anything..We're over." I say sternly and he just stares at me in shock.

"What?" He questions like he never did anything wrong.

"What do you mean 'what?' I was pretty clear with what I said. We're over. I don't want to date you-" I get cut off by a doctor walking in.

"You will need to go home with your friend here since he is the only one listed on your emergency call list."

I growl slightly and nod. "When am I going to be discharged?" I ask

"Well since your awake, your free to leave whenever you want" he says while smiling.

I roll my eyes and get out of bed.

"Lets go.."

Kyoutani extends his arm towards me so I can hook mine around it like we usually do but I slap it away.

"I said we're over.." I growl.

Kyoutani's POV

"I'm not being nice..I just don't want to get embarrassed if you fall on your face.." I lied. I regret everything that I said to him. I was angry and I let all my anger out on him.

I force M/n to come back home with me and right when we get inside I hug him. I hug him like I'm about to fall off  a cliff and M/n is the branch that's holding me up. He slaps my back, wanting me to let go but I don't. I start to cry and tell him how sorry I was. He started crying as well. I promised to never push him away and whenever I'm mad I should tell him so he can prepare for my mean remarks.

I spend the rest of the week at home with M/n. Cuddling, kissing, and me not being mean or stand offish for once.

Sorryyy Kyoutani was a little OOC but oh well. Sorry I haven't been updating. I've been extremely busy with school and crap. So yeahh



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