Momotarou Mikoshiba x M! reader

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I'm sorry I haven't been updating, I've been really tired lately and I'm currently in Lake Tahoe and it's fricken 12 degrees Fahrenheit(did I spell that right?) outside and I'm dying.

This was requested by capitalHANA

Momo's POV

I decided to give up on Kou, mainly because I knew she most likely liked Nii-chan more. She always tries to talk to me but I have to admit, I am mad at Nii-chan and Kou, so I ignore Kou most of the time and act more distant towards Nii-chan. In fact I practically stopped calling Seijuro 'Nii-chan' for a while now.

I slowly walk down the street, going out to get lunch before I go back to my dorm. I go to a small restaurant and order, a small boy with h/c hair and e/c vibrant orbs caught my attention. I prayed for him to be my server so I can talk to him.

"Hello I am M/n I will be your server for today do you want any drinks?"

I look up and see the male that I was eyeing earlier and I smile.

"I'm fine with water, thank you." I reply politely, trying not to scare him off like I usually do to people I have a crush on.

He nods and walks off, back into the kitchen. I can't help it and I stare at his butt. I don't want to get caught so I look away. (I was legit about to end it here because I'm a lazy shit and I was going to make you wait for a part two but I'm not going to do that.)

He comes back a few minutes later.

"Are you ready to order?" He says smiling.

I nod and order my food while he writes down my order on his small notepad. He smiles and leaves after, seating a few people and then going back into the kitchen, I stare at the table thinking about what I should do. I finally get somewhat of an idea?

M/n comes to my table and sets my food down.

"Anything el-"

"Are you gay?" I cut him off and he stares at me, caught off guard.

"Um.. I'm bicurious... Why did you ask?" He looks at me nervously.

"Well...I am Momotarou Mikoshiba and I would like to go on a date with you." I reply quickly.

He stares at me a little. And then looks over somewhere else and suddenly becomes scared.

"Hope you enjoy your food!" He fake smiles and then hurries off to the kitchen and starts to serve tables.

I look down at my food sadly. He didn't like me. Why did I ever think I had a chance with him? I slowly eat, usually I would eat the whole thing but now I barely even ate half. Out of the corner of my eye I see someone standing in front of my table.

"Are you ready to pay?"

I look up at him slowly.

"Do you want to go on a date?" I suddenly blurt.

His face turns red and he smiles slightly.

"I'll get your bill.." he walks off and I frown.

Does he not like me? Why did he ignore me? He soon comes back with the bill and sets it on the table, leans over and kisses my cheek while whispering in my ear.

"Text me~"

I blush and he walks away and helps the other tables. I look at the bill and his number is written on it, I smile and pay and give him a tip. I get up and walk out.

Date timeeee

M/n's POV

I sit on the bench waiting for Momo. We decided to have a picnic, I brought a picnic basket and I start to get hungry. I quietly open the basket and take out a sandwich. I never had one since I was in middle school and I missed it. I groan in satisfaction because I missed the taste so much.

"Getting excited?~" I recognize Momo's voice and immediately stop eating and shove it back in the basket, he lightly takes my hand and leads me over to a small hill and lays down the blanket, while I set the basket and all the food on it.

He smiles and sits, pulling me down with him so I'm sitting between his legs with my back resting on his chest. I blush. This is our first date and he already is this touchy!? I mean.. im not complaining or anything.. I let my head lean back and I rest it against his shoulder. I watch the clouds in the sky as they float over us.

"Your really cute..." He murmurs in my ear.

"And your hot~" I reply smoothly.

I've always had a flirty side and whenever I mean to say something innocent it makes me sound like I want someone to jam their hand down my pants. I feel his neck getting hot against my cheek, signaling that he's blushing.

I quietly get another sand which out of the basket and hand it to him while getting my half eaten sandwich. We both eat quietly until Momo breaks the silence.

"Do you mind being my boyfriend?" He asks.

I smile and nod, a split second after I say yes he jumps up and throws hims arms up in victory and screams.


My face turns red as I look down at my shirt, it was yellow and said 'I love otters'. Why is he excited that I love otters? I guess I'll find out soon..


Oh I almost forgot, capitalHANA also wanted to see my snake Richard

Here you go!! 😂😂 he's gotten bigger since this picture but he will always be my little nugget 😂

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Here you go!! 😂😂 he's gotten bigger since this picture but he will always be my little nugget 😂

~Moose & Richard 🖤🖤🐍

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