Labour -29

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(Picture Of Hermione)

Draco awoke alone, the waves crashing against the sand.
He sat up, bare chested and only wearing shorts.
Draco looked over to the beach and there walked Hermione, wearing a Sandy coloured dress that ended at her toes, she was bare foot, gliding through the water with her hair down.
Draco grinned, as the breeze blew Hermiones dress along.

Draco got up and stood at the door post, waved at her as she retreated back to the Villa.
Hermione smiled and walked over to him, kissing his soft lips, Draco rubbed her belly and grinned.
That grin soon faded into worry and shock as Hermiones eyes squeezed shut, and she clutched at her belly.
Draco sat her down on the bed and crouched in front of her.

"Babe, what's wrong?!"

"Ahh! Some.... Something's ..... W...wrong!"

Hermione let out an agonizing yelp, started breathing heavily and sweating.
Draco bounced up and sent a patronus to... Anywhere!
Suddenly, Mrs Granger and Ginny popped out of thin air in the bedroom.

"OH God!!!"cried Mrs Granger.

Ginny ran into the bathroom and came out with a wet towel, and pushed it against Hermione forehead.

"What's happening?"asked Draco who was holding Hermiones hand.

"She's in Labor!"said Ginny.

Ginny also sent a patronus to the hospital
Letting them Know.

"AAAAAAH!!!"screamed Hermione, her chest rising and falling rapidly.

Draco kissed her forehead and blew cool air onto Hermiones face which helped.. A lot.
A few hospital nurses rushed into the room, holding equipment and a fold up bed.

"Okay! Come On! Put Her On This Bed!"cried on the nurses, Draco picked Hermione up and placed her on the fold up bed.

He kissed her hand tightly squeezing it for reassurance as they apperated safely to the five hour drive hospital.
A nurse whisked Hermione through to a room leaving the other nurses, Draco, Mrs Granger and Ginny in the waiting room.

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